Virgo Season Horoscopes

The Sun entered the sign of Virgo on 8/22 at about 2:35pm PST and will remain there until 9/20 at about 12:20pm PST.

Virgo season invites us to explore themes of service, of apprenticeship, of learning to shift and grow for the sake of wanting to be a better person. On the flip side, however, Virgo season can also encourage us to balance growth with reflection and nourishment, it encourages us to heal wounds of perfectionism.


Quick note about some changes!

Moving forward, I will no longer be doing tarotscopes, instead, I will be doing simply horoscopes. I suggest reading for your rising sign but you can read for your sun sign as well. I will be adding a list of planet ingresses, stations, and full and new moons to help y’all plan ahead.



Virgo season has arrived and with it comes an invitation to reflect on change, but most importantly, on the changes we’re ready to embrace. Virgo season invites you to shift, to grow, to evolve, and to deepen your relationship to your skills. What are you an apprentice of in this life? What do you want to grow towards, both internally and externally?

In many ways, Virgo season brings cooling energy after all of the heat we experienced in Leo season. Some of you may have found bursts of creative insight, while others may have felt a push to embody themselves more and to allow their appearance to shift in line with this embodiment. Now that we have entered Virgo season, this Mercury-ruled sign gives us an opportunity to be more balanced in our approach towards what we wish to wrap up. This season is less about busting through the to-dos and more about tackling each one with precision and with care. This season is also an invitation to streamline areas of your life so that you’re able to create space for breath and release, especially at the closing of the day.


  • Aside from the Sun moving into Virgo we also have Mercury moving into Libra on the 29th.

  • Venus moves into Scorpio on the 10th of September.

  • We have a new moon in Virgo on September 6th. Also on this night, Mercury will be entering its shadow period before stationing retrograde later in September on the 27th.

  • A Full moon in Pisces will take place on September 20th.




Aries and Aries rising

Virgo season for you, Aries, more than others, is truly about connecting to your body in a new and caring way. Health is more than what our modern society has made it out to be. This Virgo season is an invitation for you to tend to your body in a way that honors it. How can you establish a routine that nurtures you even when you battle against self-sacrifice or enter moments of self-sabotage? This season might bring opportunities for you to say no to others so you can say yes to yourself in new ways. With Mars still moving through this sign, these opportunities may create space for you to finally address long-lasting inner conflicts in new ways. Beyond that, if you begin the process of caring for yourself (first and foremost) you may find that around the full moon you’re more able to release unconscious patterns and beliefs that have weighed you down. Only when we take care of our body and our external needs to the best of our abilities, can we truly feel prepared to do the deep work our soul calls us to.

Taurus and Taurus Rising

Hello, lil Taurus bbs. This Virgo season is truly about putting yourself out there in small ways that fill you with potential and idealism. With Virgo season, you have an opportunity to take on a new creative practice that helps you connect both to your body, and to your inner hopeful self. The sun illuminates within you, a small but can't-be-ignored creative drive. Quieter than Leo's desire to create, for you, this season gives you a chance to learn a new skill that will allow you to release fears of perfectionism, learn to embody change and growth, and grant opportunities to work with the material realm. Mars moving through this area of your chart may also give you a burst of energy and confidence in taking up space in the world. Some of you may really enjoy learning to tend to plants for the first time or working with clay. The full moon later in the season will illuminate what is beginning to sprout and come to fruition. I invite you to do a gratitude practice or to celebrate how much closer you are to achieving something you've worked towards.

Gemini and Gemini Rising

Gemini, with the sun in Virgo, you begin to notice what about your home reflects who you are internally and how you express these facets externally. You may find yourself exploring your upbringing and doing your best to cut away parts that no longer fit in with who you are NOW. You do this with kindness and empathy towards where you came from. This season offers a chance to streamline and clear clutter around you. But do this while prioritizing YOUR needs, do not base your choices on others’ standards. This could be about physically clearing clutter, but it could also be about creating a space that allows you to decompress and clear out mental clutter. With Mars still in this area of your chart as well, you may find that you want to accomplish more than you physically can. Make shifts in small and calculated ways, don’t go Marie Kondo (LOVE HER) method and yank everything out unless you have the physical energy, mental space, and free time to do this: work in small goals first. The full moon later in the season will show the connection between your home and your career, and the legacy you’re trying to build. When you’re able to decompress at home, fully rest, and feel that you have space to dream, you’re more able to expand upward as well.

Cancer and Cancer Rising

Cancer cuties, this season puts a focus on what you do each day that helps you connect both to the divine, to your own dreams, and to your higher self. This is an opportunity for you to assess what in your routine isn’t working for you and what is helping you stay connected even when you find yourself drained and exhausted. With Mars still in this part of your chart, you will find that you feel inclined to say more in general and to add more to your days. Proceed with caution. Instead of adding more to your routine, consider what needs to be cut so you can focus on the things that actually feed and energize you. How can you streamline your day so that you have more openness and availability to reflect? For some, this might mean shifting how often you do spellwork or how often you commit to tending to the altar, for others it might mean cutting down a bit of physical exercise so that you can have more energy and time to read. Others may find that they benefit from exploring ways to add more silence and stillness to their day. The full moon later in the season will be hella illuminating for you in thinking about your spiritual path as a whole. You may find that you’re able to divine messages from your ancestors more clearly and fully on this day so I encourage you to spend time at the altar or to do a lil tarot reading if you are low energy that day.

Leo and Leo Rising

My lil fierce lions, this season gives you a chance to consider how you value yourself and how you reflect that in what you surround yourself with. This is an opportunity for you to tackle this in a mundane way, by assessing your spending habits, exploring your budget, and seeing if the income you make reflects the work you put in. In a more spiritual sense, this is a great season to take a look at your beliefs around money that you carry forth from either childhood or that have formed as a response to experiences of oppression in your life. While we can’t ignore the weight of capitalism and the effects it places on how we connect to money, I do think this season, and Mars moving through this area of your chart, can help you burn away old habits that consume your resources. This is an ideal time to explore fear associated with experiences of lack (for those who are in a place of no longer lacking). Issues related to money and feeling supported are especially difficult to navigate right now so do this with tenderness and support, and only if you have the resources to explore this fully. The full moon later this season will illuminate ways to work with others so you can increase your access to resources or it may offer a chance to reduce energy spent working with people who do not actively value your contributions.

Virgo and Virgo Rising

Happy season Virgo cuties! It’s a doozy of a season and I anticipate many of you will experience shifts that truly help you feel more “you” at the end of the day. This season is about reflection. What are the changes you’ve made in the last year that have helped you to live in line with the plans “future you” has in store? What changes are you making to support the needs “present you'” has? Virgo season typically inspires growth in all signs, but for you, it’s less about initiating growth and more about considering what you’ve done to get where you are. This cycle may also inspire smaller shifts to ease this process of transformation. Mars moving through this area of your chart gives you the energy you need to finalize the changes you’ve held off on. Embody Mars energy as you do this, whether that means no longer planning and just acting (responsibly), or whether it means asking for the help you need with confidence. The full moon will shine a light on the people around you who aim to help you feel comfortable in this world. It may bring awareness to the relationships that are causing more conflict than comfort, or it may help to connect you to someone who can help you work towards your goals.

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Libra and Libra Rising

Libra, this cycle is preparing you to shift prior to the start of YOUR season. In many ways, you’ll be seeking out a bit of solitude, you’ll desire more time to yourself as your spirit feels the closing of a cycle. This season asks you to reflect on whether or not you allow yourself space to settle into silence and whether you allow yourself to feel at home with being alone. As a Libra, you likely are hella considerate of others and rely on your relationships as part of what gets you through your day. But this season is really about considering the relationship you have to different parts within you: your shadow, your conscious self, the hermit archetype, and so on. With Mars moving through this area, you may navigate conflict in new ways. You may have feelings of judgment pop up stirred by your own exploration, or by small wounds being inflamed that need a bit of tender care. Whatever the case, Mars moving through this area can be a bit draining. So allow yourself to rest as needed and find ways to channel this conflicting energy. The full moon will illuminate how your unconscious mind takes over the ways you treat your body and how you speak to it internally. Give yourself a bit of kindness this full moon.

Scorpio and Scorpio Rising

Scorpio, this season will bring your mind back to the realm of hope, it will highlight the dreams you set aside and forgot about, and remind you of everyone who has or hasn’t been supportive as you pursued your desires. This is a chance to get reacquainted to these dreams you turned away from in favor of handling practical matters. Virgo season serves to remind you that even the dreams that feel out of reach can be accessed through precise tending and through daily action. With Mars moving through this area of your chart, you may feel a push to bring things to fruition faster than is possible, so try to taper that by focusing on what you have accomplished and breaking your goals down into smaller achievements. The full moon in Pisces will grant you creative energy and a bit of confidence to put yourself out there. It will give you a chance to get lost in your dreams and envision everything as possible once again.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising

With the sun entering Virgo, Sag, you will feel propelled to assess and shift within your career. There may be conflicting feelings of wanting more recognition or wanting to put yourself out there, but also feeling uncomfortable with that attention. There is a lesson in being humble, of course, but there is also a lesson in learning to take up space and in asking to be seen for all you have accomplished. With Mars moving through this area of your chart, there could be a desire to give more and more within your career thinking it will lead to rewards. This is only a lie we carry forth from the conditioning we’ve grown up with. We don’t need to do more to be rewarded or acknowledged. We need to do our best while still caring for ourselves. Taper this Mars energy by asking yourself what is actually asked of you in your career and whether you’re giving more than that. The full moon will show you that feeling at home in the world does not need to correlate to how much you accomplish. Instead, enjoying life outside of accomplishments is what most helps you understand what it means to be alive today.

Capricorn and Capricorn rising

Cappy, Virgo season for you illuminates being of service to the unseen. How does your spirituality help you to connect to something beyond you? How does it help you be a kind and caring person to others around you? With the sun moving through this area of your life, this is a great time to think about how you can use magic to fight oppressive systems alongside mundane action. It’s an invitation to think about whether you make yourself available to others when they need help without harming yourself in the process. This season will highlight how the material world coexists with the spirit realm and how action in one area directly impacts the other. With Mars moving through this area of your chart you may feel like you need to be DOING something magical at all times to stay connected to your path, but that’s just another way we play out capitalism within our spiritual practice. We don’t need to be spellcasting 24/7 to be a witch, and much of spirituality is based in nurturing our relationship to the unseen. The full moon will illuminate the simple ways you connect to the beyond. When you pray, how do you feel? When you place an offering on the altar, how does this feed you too?

Aquarius and Aquarius Rising

Aquas, this season you’re exploring collaboration, sharing resources, and scoping out your inner underworld. How does the way you connect to others reflect what you feel about yourself AND how you value yourself? Do you find that you only feel a connection when you are able to offer something to others? Do you allow yourself to receive just as much as you give? Or, on the flip side, do you struggle to give to others because of past wounds? This is the season to reflect on whether your interactions and collaborations are built from unconscious belief systems and run by your shadow, or whether they are a reflection of how much you care for yourself and the people you exchange energy with. With Mars moving through this area of your chart, you might desire to build more connections— but this is a time to move with intention. Don’t connect with others just because you want to put yourself out there in new ways. Instead, connect with precision by choosing to form relationships with those who are in alignment with your values. The full moon may bring some awareness about how best to increase your access to finances or increase what you most value (for some it isn’t money but time).

Pisces and Pisces Rising

Lil Fishies, you are in a season that is putting the focus on who you connect with. This is a time of realizing that the people around you, in many ways, serve as mirrors for what you’re facing internally whether this reflects what you are hiding or what you most value about yourself. Are you surrounding yourself with mentors out of a deep desire to learn or because of a battle against imposter syndrome? With Mars moving in this area of your chart, you might face more conflict with others than you have in a hot minute. Keep in mind, that much of what is coming to the surface right now is instead an external example of a conflict that is happening internally. For example, if you have someone in your life who is pushing you to take on more than is your responsibility (housework for example) is this perhaps actually a conflict within about placing boundaries or about being valued only for what you can offer? If you look internally first, how might this change the ways you approach engaging in these conflicts. The full moon will offer you a chance to see what you most need and how you most want to show up in the world right now.



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