The Hills and a Look at The 8th and 11th House
A screenshot of the natal chart of the very first Hills episode with the location set to Los Angeles, CA.
A fun lil research project
OK. So if you know me, you know I love trash TV. And after looking at the TV that came out esp on MTV during the Saturn transit through Leo I was like, “Hmmm, okay, I'mma do a lil deep dive reading on the Hills” because I was so into the drama of it and so curious about how the initial episode would predict the whole of the many seasons. I love doing chart readings and I’m starting to do them more and more out of curiosity on media and on aspects that aren’t directly related to clients. So, I thought it would be fun to share this one with y’all. I’m not going to break down the whole chart, just a few aspects that I found interesting and funny.
FINALLY, BEFORE I DIVE IN, please know that this is a fun practice reading for me and won’t reflect absolutely everything we would cover in a reading one-on-one and I was focused on the fame/dating/gossip aspect of this whereas with clients I focus on diff. things and generally try to give a whole overview unless asked to focus on one key area.
LET'S DIVE IN SHALL WE? When I look at a chart, I like to see what calls out to me when I take a sort of detached overview of it. Like looking at the forest instead of the tree. I find it fascinating that in this chart, we have the major personal planets in houses 5,6,7, and 8. If we're keeping the show in mind, the houses of the personal planets are the ones about fun, daily life, relationships, and other people's resources. If the planets are spread evenly around (outer planets included) like they are here, then this can often point to folks who are more adept at arguing for their needs and have to work to be more considerate of others’ needs and desires. This is, of course, a BIG generalization.
Since this is a night chart, we have Venus as the benefic in this chart. Venus will be what brings the good moments, the gifts of the show. It's interesting to think about "gifts" from benefics when talking about the show because they can be both gifts for the people involved in the show but also gifts for the viewers. So maybe the hella juicy moments.
When Venus is in a good position, as it is here, in the 5th house and in the sign of Taurus, it's able to bring more good to the folks involved in the show. OF COURSE, we are only looking at the show's chart and not every individual members’ natal chart in relation to this chart. Like I’d be hella curious to see Spencer and Heidi’s chart in relation to this one because I feel like the show, in many ways, ended up harming them. A lot of the time, the 5th house is seen as the house of casual dating and gambling and fun and partying— children in some ways too. Astrologers often call this one the “fun” house.
When we think about Venus in Taurus, it's SO about material experiences, good food, sensual pleasure, & enjoying the material realm. Venus in Taurus is more about enjoying what the individual wants to enjoy whereas Venus in Libra is more about connecting through experiences and enjoying sensory goods WITH others. Looking at Venus, it's in a Gemini degree so there's an added element of dating involving a high degree of communication and the internet and texting, etc. OBVI the dating element in the show is SOOO connected to texting and how everyone communicates with each other/the exchanging of information. Look, low key, I ascribe Gemini to gossip as well. Not in a bad way, like chisme (gossip) which is SO about survival sometimes and it can be both a helping and harmful thing. In this case, it seemed like gossip caused more problems than good but I do find it hella intriguing that Venus is in a Gemini degree.
11th House
OK BITCHES the fact that the 11th house is ruled by Scorpio is SO fucking hilarious to me. Like the aspect of the larger network of everyone involved is very much filled with secrets, boundaries with vulnerability, and withholding intentions in some capacity. We very much see the shadow side of the sign in this case.
The next thing we would look at is the ruler of the 11th (Mars in trad astro). Here it is located in the 7th house of long-term and contractual relationships. So, I don't think this is so connected to the dating aspect of the show, rather, I think the secrets involved in the show are hella connected to the contracts and business agreements made by everyone involved in the show. Which kinda checks out given that we found out that much of the show was scripted or fake, right?
One of the funnier things about this chart, although I'm going to keep saying this, is that we also have the Lot of Fortune in the 11th house. This very much deals with physical body/health but also, in some capacity, the resources we're given in this world (this is a flexible definition for me rn). But I see the Lot of Fortune as goods we don’t really have to work for to access. Having this in the 11th, def shows that much of the resources and the career for the folks involved will be hella connected to these 11th house themes within the sign of Scorpio, with ruler in the 7th MEANING: a group of friends with hella secrets that are contractually bound to interact with one another. This idea of fortune given versus earned for this show makes sense given that many of the people involved already had some connection to celebrity status or were already on TV so they came to the show with an audience that was already invested in their lives and the resources they needed to live. I don’t remember anyone ever NEEDING money, they all already had it.
Another funny thing about the Lot of Fortune, is that not only is it in Scorpio, but it is at a Scorpio degree. So, not only is the form of accessing resources and career related to secrets, but we have the added theme of (possibly) sex fueling the careers of everyone involved.
In addition to the Lot of Fortune, we have Jupiter in this sign. Now, Jupiter, in terms of dignities, has no hella strong associations with this sign. From a personal pov, Jupiter in Scorpio can be more expansive internally or through unseen ways. There is a need to grow in life through deep emotional experiences, but it is an energy that needs to be worked with lest the shadow element take over. When not worked with correctly, it can be something that takes over and manifests as pettiness. Sometimes it can also be associated with creating drama when things become too stagnant.
Jupiter is square Saturn in the 8th house of other people’s resources which shows a tension between the desire for expansive vulnerability but an inability to properly work with it, and the need to stay within the limitations put on by the debt of the contractual obligations of Saturn. Saturn’s cutting scythe can be seen taking over in the moments when we have conflict between best friends, I’m thinking specifically of the moment with Lo and Audrina and where Audrina is like “Bitch, we’re never going to be friends” but Lo is kind of trying. Or the moment with THE famous tear with Lauren. Like people in this show want to be vulnerable and there are moments where they put themselves out there, but it just isn’t ever during a time where their vulnerability will be well received and that’s the conflict and tension I see between Saturn and Jupiter.
8th House
I want to talk about the 8th house because it points to a part of the show that is MAJOR but not necessarily discussed: other people’s resources. I sent a few tweets speculating about the media changes and specifically what was going on with MTV during the Saturn in Leo era. I think it’s a time when we, as viewers, were fascinated with the lives of the hella privileged and gave it more air time, but it was also a time when the people with hella access and resources had to navigate dealing with moments of SHIT falling apart. Even on shows like My Sweet Sixteen there were always moments where we saw the shadow of that Leo energy regardless of if it was scripted, it was shown, right? So some part of us wanted to not only see celebrities or folks who were rich, and see their daily lives, but we wanted specifically to see shit fall apart for them.
SO in this chart, we have Leo ruling over the 8th house with the ruling planet in the 6th house! OMGGGGG. So, to break this down, the topic of other people’s resources is directly tied to work and daily life. Aside from this, however, we also have the Moon and Saturn conjoined. Having the moon here makes sense to me. The idea of the needs of the show being met through other people’s resources fits for a TV show. Not only are we talking about other people’s resources in regards to funding the show but in regards to people’s time being a resource (audience time). The Moon in Leo isn’t necessarily at its fall or in a position of comfort or exaltation. When it’s in neither space, it’s almost as if it is in a foreign land, feeling neither at home nor completely unwelcome. The fact that Saturn is conjoined the Moon, imo, shows that idea of limitations, boundaries, and the cutting scythe happening around topics related to emotions specifically and perhaps change as a whole.
The eighth house does also point to topics of mental health, death, and transformation. Saturn is not able to fulfill its role as easily in Leo as it is in other signs. Here, it is exiled which, imo, can sometimes be helpful for Saturn, but also a downfall in that boundaries GO OUT THE WINDOW. It becomes even more difficult to access that aspect of Saturn that can help us realize the value of who we are and what we have to contribute to the world. When it is conjoined the Moon, or what I’m calling “The Window”, it then shuts off access to our emotions, to our inner world, and to all we secretly wish we could give away.
I found it fascinating that Saturn was square Venus and Square Jupiter and Lot of Fortune. There is definitely an energy of conflict when it comes to expansion. Every time someone gets a bit more notoriety, they also find themselves dealing with conflict whether that be someone else ignoring their boundaries, someone getting footage that is too close to comfort, or someone revealing too much private information.
I was trying to find a way to end this but I have no real way to wrap this up aside from knowing that if I keep writing about it, I’ll just find more and more to dive into hahah so I feel like now is as good a spot as any. There is a lot to explore, and if you’re studying astrology, practicing reading charts like this can help you grow and teach you to recognize patterns. I’d recommend studying charts of people first but working with charts for businesses, events, or media can be a good tool too. I’ve been hella into media lately so I’ll likely post more of these soon. Toodles.
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