Cancer Season Tarotscopes

The Sun enters the sign of Cancer on 6/20 at about 8:32pm PST and will remain there until 7/22 at about 7:26am PST.

Cancer is associated with themes of the home, of seeking out emotional fulfillment, of finding and building your own private space that nurtures you regardless of where you are.


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Cancer season is here b*tches! This season starts right at the tail-end of some intense astrology. Much of the season will be spent paying attention to the inner world as we all navigate multiple retrogrades, and the shadow period of Mercury retrograde. This shadow period will last until about July 7th so we’ll be wrapping up those Gemini-Mercury lessons. Want to explore the retrograde a bit and wrap it up? Head to my Instagram, where I posted a writing prompt for each rising sign. In addition to Mercury’s shadow period for about half of this season, we have Saturn remaining retrograde through the whole of it. Saturn retrogrades bring their own lessons of course, but it is a planet that stations retrograde for about half the year so it isn’t anything overly momentous, if you know what I mean. Jupiter will remain retrograde through this season as well. So even though we just had our first big eclipse events of the season, it is still a time when I encourage you to lay-low, to go deep, and to really consider your relationship to the lessons of these planets. Where are they in your natal chart? Where are they currently transiting? How can you invite more stillness and ease into both of those areas of your life? The final two things I’ll note is that Mars will remain in Leo during this transit so feel free to settle back into that Fiery-Marsian-Drive now that it’s back in an element it is happier in. Venus will be switching over to Leo just after this season starts on June 27th, so if you’ve been feeling the start of Cancer season as I know some folks on my IG have, some of the sappiness may fade alongside this transit.

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Cancer Season Tarotscopes


Aries and Aries rising - Ace of Cups Rx

Aries peeps. The ace of cups here is saying, in some ways, “thou cup has runneth over” but in the kind of way that is maybe not as positive? Your not overflowing with a good deal of things you want right now, you’re likely feeling as though you have WAY too much to handle, too many small tasks to navigate, and a whole lot of catching up to do now that you’ve had some big areas of your chart activated. This is a good time to look around the home and make sure that you have a space that allows you to unwind fully and to rest. We can’t always control the number of things we have thrown our way, so we gotta focus on the few things that we do have within our control, like keeping your bed clean and ready to cradle your body into a sweet sleep. Or doing your best to chop up a few lil snacks to get you through the day when you know you’re hungry but you don’t have the energy to whip anything up. Cancer season is a great time for you to reflect on your relationship to your body and whether or not you’re willing to make changes when you know your body needs it whether that means shutting off your phone earlier, setting work aside while you nap for an hour, or asking for someone to come over to help you clean so you don’t physically exhaust yourself further. What can you do this season to show your body appreciation for keeping you alive and moving you towards better days?

Taurus - Five of Pentacles Rx

Taurus bbs, this season is going to highlight the ways you build connection to the world around you and how willing you are to also make sure that those around you (known or unknown) are cared for and assisted. Some of you (obvi given the state of the country) are navigating financial issues and may not know where to turn to. This card is encouraging you to look to your local network. Head to your library and see what resources you might be able to find there. Look for work in your nearby spaces and explore by taking a visit to businesses nearby as best as you can. There will be more of you, however, that are likely navigating your relationship to money and resources in an unhealthy way. Have you been rolling your eyes at Go-Fund-Me posts on the DL? Have you pretended not to have cash when someone nearby needed it? Have you made your situation out to be worse than it has been because you don’t want to give up a pleasure to help someone else meet a need? It’s good to be prepared for future difficulties, but if you are holding back on giving in a way that, upon second thought, maybe makes you feel a bit guilty (rightfully) think of how you can contribute to others locally who might need it. It doesn’t always have to be about money, this card is very much about resources. Can you make some donations to a nearby shelter? Can you offer your time if you’re able-bodied and healthy? Can you build a tiny library? What resources can you offer when you yourself are resourced?

Gemini (May 22 - June 21) - The Chariot

A powerful card to help you steer yourself onto the path you want to follow, Gemini. After the sh*t show but very revelatory event that was the eclipses on your axis, you’re likely coming out of it feeling hella brand new and ready to take on your dreams. Sit down and take some time to plan out how you’re going to approach your life. What are you changing? Do you have the resources you need to do it? Where are you spending too much of your resources on things that aren’t rewarding? When I say resources, it’s important to think not just about money but time, energy, space, care, etc. Are you getting back from the things you put into and the people you give to? It’s not like all of your relationships need to be constantly in a back and forth, some folks may need more care for longer periods of time, the key is that you know for certain that the people you vibe with have your back and want only the best for you. Take the Chariot card as an indication that it is time to do an audit on your resources and steer yourself towards the things that feed into you too. Also, check to see where you’re UNDERGIVING. Given that it is Cancer season, and I’ve got food on the mind, ask yourself if you’re feeding yourself the energy you need whether in food, sleep, movement, or joy.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22) - Prince of Cups Rx

Cancer cuties, what about your spiritual gifts are you denying right now? I sense a bit of fear here in embracing the parts of you that are shifting. Is it a gift you’re scared of embracing? Is it a relationship with specific spirits? There’s cautious fear and then there’s anxious fear, the kinda anxious fear that isn’t good for you, the kind that you get right before a big change or shift that you know is good for you and that you also know is going to challenge you. As the Sun moves into this sign, it’s going to illuminate any placements you have here including your ASC, how does it make you feel to know there’s going to be a spotlight on some areas of your identity and your life? This doesn’t mean it’s all going to be public, it’s much more likely going to be a journey of seeing parts of yourself in a new light. I implore you to open yourself up to your spirituality and to allow yourself to move with the shifts that are headed your way. Give yourself the flexibility to make yourself anew each day and to reconnect with your spiritual path. What big future feels just possible enough that it’s almost a little scary?

Leo (July 23 - August 21) - The Fool

What a lovely card for my sunny lil stars! This season highlights your spirituality, all the unconscious elements of your life, the things that influence you and move you. Venus just lent its sweetness and with it entering slowly into your first house alongside Mars, you’re likely feeling a push of inspiration. This won’t necessarily be the season of taking huge actionable steps, I see it more as being a season of exploring through the mind and planning. Take this season to really consider where you’d like to initiate a new journey in your life and spend some time visualizing. Allow yourself to daydream about all the juicy details. This card also tells me that you’ll be heading on a new path in regards to your spiritual journey. This may be a time to research the mythology of some spirits you’re drawn to ask yourself how you most want to connect to the unseen. If you’re reevaluating your path you might enjoy my mini ebook on forming your path: The Four of Wands. As final words of guidance, this card is really just encouraging you to allow yourself to have hope and to envision the future you most want. You’re on a new path and headed somewhere joyous, if you allow yourself to see it as possible.

Virgo (August 22 - September 23) - Ace of Swords

Lil Virgos! This is such a good time to reconnect with people! Allow yourself to go out and see the world! Join a new community space, one that inspires you to learn more about yourself and something you’ve got a hidden passion for. For those of you who are beginning to socialize again, continue to move with caution and wear a mask when possible. The astrology is def telling about COVID. For those of you who are struggling to connect with others, understand that the way you see the world now is new and has changed. Try not to be hard on yourself if you see yourself longing for how things were, or if you keep questioning why you can’t go back to how things were. You have been changed and your orientation towards the world is completely different than how it was, and that’s ok. This is a season of really leaning into community to help you learn how to move with this new way of thinking. Allow yourself to join a supportive environment if you feel called. For those of you who work with spirits (ancestors, deities, ghosts, etc) you can join our Nourishing the Bridge support group. It’s free and totally unique every time!

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Libra (September 24 - October 23) - 10 of Wands

My peacemakers and peacekeepers, you who seek to connect and bond. This card is asking you to connect instead to your inner self. Where in your life have you burdened yourself? As the sun shines a light on your aspirations and where you’re headed in life and through your career, this is a time to release and let go of the things that are holding you back from achieving the things you desire. Now, I want to be clear, that when I say let go, I only want you to let go of what isn’t helping you in general. It’s not about cutting out anything that consumes your time. Given our current hustle and girl-boss culture, there are so many times where we’re told to sacrifice things like movie marathons in favor of our growth, but this card isn’t indicating that you need to knock out anything that isn’t helping you grow, rather, it’s about cutting out the things that are weighing you down. You’re likely to be really exploring your collaborations the first week of July as well, so consider your relationship to energy, how you spend your energy, and whether there are changes you can make to ease the burden on your shoulders even if only a little bit.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22) - 10 of pentacles rx

You’re realizing that not all of the seeds you’ve planted are coming to fruition in the ways you’d hoped. The eclipse season may have highlighted this further. As we move through the Mars and Saturn opposition and have so much going on in Leo as well, understand that you can let go of old dreams. You can readjust. You can yank out the weeds and prune the new plants and change everything at any moment. Sometimes we need to demolish all we’ve been building because we can see a flaw in the foundation. This is a good season for y’all to explore what family inheritances you’ve taken on in regards to the ways you navigate money, value, and your inner foundational beliefs. Are the dreams you’ve been tending related to what you thought you had to pursue versus what you actually wanted to pursue? This season is, in many ways, illuminating the house of the divine for you. It’s asking you to reconnect to the beyond in a magnanimous way and to begin rebuilding your foundation and demolishing the structures that have long held you back.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) - 10 of cups rx

What a big season you just moved through, Sag. The Gemini and Sag axis got some BIG attention this year and will continue to as we move through the shadow period of Mercury RX and the many other placements and aspects we’re navigating early in July. This card is here to ask you to reflect on what has come to fruition in your life. I get the sense that you gained something you long desired and found that it wasn’t really what you expected. I think others who are reading this may be navigating a few transformation woes. You may have experienced a drastic shift with the eclipses and found that it sparked a sense of loss for who you were or a sense of disappointment. It’s okay to linger in the upset of things not being quite what you thought they would be. Let the sun shine a light on your innermost thoughts, the private fears you hold, and let it burn away old belief systems you no longer need to carry so you can finally seek out the fulfillment you truly want. Doing a burn and release ritual may be a nice added touch, but in all honesty, the eclipse season definitely did that for you. So if you’re in a sense of woes, look to nostalgia and turn to old comforts like animated movies and family recipes for nurturing—all those good Cancer-season treats.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) - 8 of cups

LIL GOAT FOLKS! Cancer season is here and this card is saying that some of you are ready to let go of relationships that are no longer providing the nurturing and healing that you seek. Sometimes folks can’t give fully to a relationship, especially as we move through the pandemic, but some of you who are reading this know exactly who I’m talking about when I say it’s time to let them go. And in that case, it’s much more likely that this is a relationship that you’ve slowly felt less and less attached to as opposed to a general lull in a relationship. Another theme of this season is going to be reflecting on how you exchange energy with others as well, given all of that Leo energy. This card is encouraging you to look to the future, consider what you’re moving towards as you reevaluate the relationships you need to let go of. Allow yourself to feel grief, even if you know it’s time to part ways, but know that what you’re moving towards might require a new type of community around you, and that’s okay. It’s normal to grow apart.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19) - King of wands rx

You’ve been thrown for a loop and all that you were balancing and everything you have worked towards has shifted. But you’re royalty too, Aquarius, learn from your opposite sign. Even if things fall apart you have the Saturnian wisdom to turn around and rebuild. Or rather, to envision a new life. Some of you may be leaving a work environment this season and you may be nervous and destabilized about it. If that is the case, understand that the best thing for Aquarius energy is consistently focusing on the future. Allow yourself to idealize a new daily routine, begin moving through your life as if you have the job of your dreams. Take some time each day this season, if only for 15 minutes, and use your creativity to create a new structure for your day. Brainstorm. Throw post-its up about all your seeking in your home, in your job, and in your connection to your body. The way to flip this King right side up again is to embrace the freedom that structure provides. When you’re able to move through your day unconsciously because you’ve structured a supportive home and routine for yourself, you have more mental space to dream, to brainstorm, to find new solutions.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20) - The Lovers Rx

In what ways have you felt divided? In what ways are you being split in two or more? This card is asking you to reconnect to yourself, to date yourself, to treat all facets of yourself as a lover that needs reassurance and kindness and love. How is your inner child doing? Have you asked them? How is your shadow side? Are you giving them a healthy outlet to playfully disrupt and destroy? If the answer to these is “I don’t know,” or “I don’t remember the last time I checked in,” then Cancer season is the perfect time for you to date yourself and re-explore who you are at this point in time. You can’t tend to every part of yourself every day, but taking this season to at least check-in, and find out which parts of you need more attention, could potentially be a great priority. Through the healing and initiatory energy of Cancer season, you may find that you reconnect to parts of you you thought were long gone. Some of you may benefit from reading Women Who Run With Wolves since it keeps coming up as I’m typing this. Keep in mind, it’s a classic so there are gendered terms and discussion of connection to “womb” etc. So read beyond those words to the main lesson underneath if you’re able. This season, Pisces, is all about dating YOU.

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