Shining The Light on the Inner World: Your IC Sign and the Home
So, if you’ve been following me on IG or if you’ve subscribed to my newsletter, you may have heard me talking a good deal about the IC and the MC. I thought it might be a good idea for me to do a lil post explaining how we can PHYSICALLY give the IC sign and ruling planet some space to exist in our home. I enjoy working with clients and helping them make easy tangible shifts to remediate the energies in their charts or to help boost some of the energy of their natal planets for more opportunities and blessings.
Since summer is coming up and so is that time of “being seen” I thought it would be fab to focus on our inner worlds for a few weeks and talk about how you can work with your IC and how you can easily add some space for this sign in your home.
first thing’s first, the ic and the 4th house are not the same thing.
I will be talking about making space in the home but I don’t want to conflate the two as I’ve seen done a good deal online. The 4th house and the IC are two different things, though in some house systems the IC marks the beginning of the 4th house. Let’s dive in!
What exactly is the IC?
I’m not going to dive TOO deep into the explanation. But basically, your IC angle marks the lowest point in the ecliptic and its sign marks your inner world, what you're unconsciously pulled towards, and your inner foundation. In some house systems, the IC marks the start of the fourth house. In the house system that I use, Whole Sign Houses, it can be anywhere from the 2nd to the 6th house but most often is found in the fourth house.
The IC is an untouched gold mine in my eyes. I enjoy talking in-depth about the four angles of the natal chart but especially the IC because it can be a tool you work with. With knowledge about your IC, you can figure out how you feel most grounded in the world along with what you are unconsciously drawn to in the world.
The IC is the sign that highlights your inner world
And for that reason, we want to give it more space to exist in our conscious reality. The IC, for me, in many ways, points to shadow work that needs to be addressed. Much like shadow work, if the IC isn’t given conscious space to exist, it can unconsciously drive us towards things we don’t desire, to act out through the shadow traits, or to feel less grounded when the world shifts around us. This is one of the most beautiful things I think, about astrology, there’s so much you can explore about yourself and you can truly get to know your inner energy patterns so you can work with them.
This is one of my major goals in all client sessions but especially in the “Blossoming the Midheaven” Summer Journey: helping folks get to know their inner world so they can recreate their life more authentically when they encounter tower moments.
When we make the hidden public, we're actively working WITH it instead of against it.
That is the purpose of this blog post, giving you some guidance in how you can give physical space to your inner world. So let’s dive in!
While I won’t give direct guidance for each sign, I will help you come to this info on your own. If you want more specific guidance, check out my FREE “Unravel the Roots: 5-Day IC Experience” that covers 5 different ways to get to know your IC and work with it.
Let’s get started!
When figuring out how to give your IC space, you’ll need to know your IC angle. To find this out you can head to Chani’s site which is hella easy to use or You will need to know your birth time to accurately figure out your angles. Once you know that, ask yourself this:
What sign is my IC in?
What element is this sign? (Earth, Water, Fire, Air)
What polarity is this sign? (Earth and Water are negative, Fire and Air are positive)
What modality is this sign? (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable)
We can go further than this, but to keep it more manageable for those who are new to this angle, we’ll stick to these details. Let’s go with one of my favorite examples. Let’s say you have an Aries IC
Aries is a cardinal fire sign with positive polarity. When we have a sign with positive polarity we know that the person with this IC has to actively DO something to feel at home in the world and to feel more grounded. When there is a cardinal modality, they need to actively ACT to address a problem or situation. Those with negative polarity are more about receiving. In order to be in like with their IC, they need to pull back and internally process the world around them. These folks will benefit especially from shifting their home environment.
The reason I suggest checking the polarity first is to find out whether you will benefit from actively doing or from receiving and internally processing. If you have a positive polarity (fire and air), you will benefit from changing up your home environment a bit, but you will most importantly benefit from adding an activity of some kind to your routine. Negative polarity (earth and water) will benefit the most from receiving the energy from their space.
Here’s my guidance!
FIre signs
You will benefit from incorporating either some kind of physical workout routine or some kind of creative activity to your routine that is just for you. This can be artistic, cooking, dancing, etc.
Aside from this, you will benefit from having a home space that incorporates gold metals or golden and fiery colors.
It may be a good idea to make an “Inspiration Station” where you have a plethora of creations that inspire you whether this be other artworks, memorabilia, etc.
Things that are associated with your ruling planet: the Sun for Leos, Mars for Aries, and Jupiter for Sagittarius.
Things that represent the element of fire: candles whether real or battery-powered, stained glass (a good idea for those who also have some heavy earth placements), etc.
Earth Signs
You will benefit from creating an environment that nourishes your physical body. Having a lil stash of snacks, water nearby, and making sure that your bed is a place that actively encourages rest is so important.
Incorporating cool and neutral colors is a great idea: anything clay-colored, sienna, browns and rich greens, etc.
I’d suggest having a bowl of herbal salts to cleanse and wash your hands with along with having some actual plants in your bedroom.
Things that are associated with your ruling planet: Venus for Taurus, Mercury for Virgo, and Saturn for Capricorn.
Things that represent the earth: photos of landscapes, plants, clay-made objects, sand or dirt from places that feel like home, etc.
Air Signs
You will benefit from adding in mental stimulation to your home environment. Doing things like reading up on a new path of study before bed, writing, posting to a blog daily, or doing some form of meditation. I also highly suggest air signs consider learning a musical instrument or singing.
Incorporating light colors like blue, white, gray, etc, colors that instantly make you think of the element of air, is a great way to nourish that inner world.
Having meditative instruments like chimes, triangles, Tibetan sound bowls, etc nearby will be helpful for when you need to feel a bit of grounding or shake off some restless energy. Air IC signs can benefit from learning sound healing whether you do that with a teacher or intuitively.
Things that are associated with your ruling planet: Mercury for Gemini, Venus for Libra, and Saturn for Aquarius.
Things that represent air: I really like the idea of cloud lighting, incense, decorative fans, ribbons dangling as curtains, etc.
You will benefit from creating a space that allows you time to sit and process your emotions. You need a restful space that gives you room to exist outside of your relationship to others.
Incorporating cool deep and rich colors like blue, violet, navy, can be healing for your inner world.
Incorporating more water rituals or work with the element of water can be very healing. I also suggest adding photos of water around your space, getting a fish or aquarium, having water on your altar, can be helpful.
Things that are associated with your ruling planet: Moon for Cancer, Mars for Scorpio, and Jupiter for Pisces.
Things that represent water: I enjoy having mirrors or scyring tools on my altar and around my home to represent water, you can also have sea shells, driftwood, sea glass, river stones, hag stones, and things that help you feel connected to bodies of water.
Why should I add space for my IC instead of my moon or my sun sign?
The Moon and Sun and all inner planet signs are hella important, but they are also already characters in your life.
You work with them and act through them without meaning to whereas your IC is a much less conscious part of you. This is why I think it’s good to have not only visual reminders but energetic ways of acknowledging that very personal part of you. Adding these things to your home isn’t the only way to work with the IC and it may not be enough for all of you, but it is a start and a way of considering how we connect with and acknowledge planetary energies that are magnanimous on a smaller and more personal scale. The universe is within you and you are within the universe.
How will this actually affect me if I'm not actually doing anything?
That’s the fabulous thing about planetary remediation and working with astrology on a magical and energetic level, it isn’t like you have to make HUGE shifts in order to feel the effects of connecting to the celestial bodies, you just have to acknowledge and work with the relationships. Small shifts can bring huge relief. Ijaadee on twitter spoke recently about 12th house Mars remediation to sleep and how she simply puts a red shirt beneath her pillow and that helps shift the energy away from messing with sleep.
BUT AND ALSO as a folk magic practitioner, I’m of the mind that things don’t need to be complicated to cause an absolute massive change in our lives. While some of you, especially with those with rough aspects to your IC may need big shifts alongside small ones, I suggest trying out some of these ideas and then seeing how you feel. Take note of your energy before, and take note of your energy one week later. Better yet, try out the 5-day challenge to see how you feel after 5- 15 min exercises and shifts.
The thing is, this energy already exists within you.
When you move the energy from the unconscious to an external conscious space, you ARE actively working with it.
So, I hope you take what’s here and make the shifts you need to feel most at home in this world. I hope these ideas spark even better and more personal shifts for you. And please, feel free to reach out via the contact me section if you want to share some shifts you experience!
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