Capricorn Season Tarotscopes


The Sun will enter the sign of Capricorn on 12/21 at about 2:00am PST and remain there until 1/19 at about 12:30pm PST.

Capricorn is the sign that rules over the tenth house, or the house of career, prestige, and the legacy we leave behind.


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UGH can you believe it! Capricorn season is here, and with it came the Great Conjunction and movement with some planets that have been ROUGH. We’re done with the eclipses for the calendar year.

Now that we are out of major retrograde zone (at least in relation to personal planets), we are headed into the final month of the calendar year of 2020 which will also bring with it a MAJOR conjunction, and two pretty big deal eclipses. Eclipses always bring them a good deal of growth and change in the span of a day. It’s almost as if we’ve gone through a whole cycle. So they can be pretty emotional but also lead to wild moments of clarity and lessons being finalized.

After seeing all that Scorpio season brought— was it wild for y’all too, by the way???— I’m excited to see what the fun and expansive season of Sagittarius will bring, especially when combined with two eclipses.

To help cut back on some of my work load, I’ve moved the lunar notes of my tarotscopes over to my patreon! the first tier is $7.77 and gets you a good deal of info, a monthly q/a session, and a new moon ritual.

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sagittarius Season Tarotscopes

** Quick note: there are a shit ton of reversed cards which is common during retrograde, but the messages that came through were loud and clear so don’t feel too hesitant about it all **


Aries (March 21 - April 20) 3 of cups

On 12/23 Pluto and Mars square for the last time this year, closing up the cycle of squares we had all year. With Mars being your ruler, you may feel a heavier sense of closure on this day. Following the 23rd, take some time to really settle into yourself and what you want to celebrate this year. Who have you become? What parts of yourself did you decide to let go of? Grieve and honor all new and old parts of yourself. Do this with some friends. Have an end-of-the-year party on zoom and celebrate with people you care about. If you don’t have too many that you’re close to this year (who else went through a major relationship(s) overhaul this year) then maybe participate in a zoom hang out that celebrates and nourishes you. Hija del Sol is doing spiritual maintenance on the 31st, and Goddess Ronetra has a vision board party that closes for sign-ups on Friday!

Aries rising folks, this season rules over your 10th house. Which is AWESOME. Cap traditionally rules over the 10th house so this season is likely about career, trajectory, legacy, and all the ways you are perceived by the world in terms of platform and long-lasting views. This card is about celebrating all you’ve achieved and the seeds you’ve planted while recognizing that you likely did a lot better when you had a community of some kind to support you. It’s not a weakness to admit that you need others, it should be celebrated. It is part of what makes us who we are in this generation, in this body, on the internet, etc. Take some time before the New Year to send a message to your community and tell each of them, what it is you love about them. Not only does it lift your spirits, it creates a sense of gratitude, and gives joy to your loves.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21) - Queen of Pentacles Rx

Taurus, for an Earth sign that is so sensual, so connected to the fruits of one’s labor and all the pleasures in the world, you have been a bit detached from your body. This card is a call to return to your sensuality, to your senses. In this next season, develop a relationship to your sensuality again, establish how you want it to look long term. What does sensuality mean to you? What does pleasure look like to you? It doesn’t need to fit into anyone else’s definition of pleasure, but you do need to be more connected to it. Opportunities will present themself now for you to change this relationship. Don’t shy away from it. Find what makes you want to be human and revel in it.

Taurus rising folks, Capricorn rules over your 9th house, and with this card popping up, it seems you may be stifling some of your bigger dreams. This might be related to college, to expanding your ways of thinking, to spirituality, but it all connects to learning and growing in some way. It’s good to give yourself a break if you need it, but this card popping up tells me that you’re suppressing your urges in some way. It might have started small like telling yourself you didn’t have the tools you needed, but with this card popping up here, I think those small excuses have started piling up and are now leading to a patter of stuck-ness which can happen with fixed and/or heavy Earth energy.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21) - Two of cups

Gemini, the eclipse on the 30th is in your sign, and it’s going to be a whirlwind but useful. This month, you’re all about wrapping up goals and putting in the last of your energy to push through all you wanted to accomplish this year. You feel good about what you’ve done in regards to your aspirations, and you’ve definitely learned a lot from trying out new things. You are in a place of knowingness this season, and though you may be feeling a bit exhausted, you also know that rest is just around the corner. Sometimes it’s ok to push if you feel able to do so in a non damaging way. Some people function better in spurts of high energy with longer breaks between, and that’s the energy I’m getting for this month for this group. Y’all are big on wrapping up some goals and though you’re pooped, you also want to enter winter feeling like you accomplished all you wanted to.

Gemini rising folks Capricorn rules the 8th house for you, Gemini rising peeps. This month is about developing longstanding transformations, and blending your light and shadow sides into one powerful YOU. This card could also mean your boo is going to bring home the dough soon (but that’s a mild interjection for some). Take Capricorn season and the rest of winter to explore your shadow and light sides. Who are you at your most hopeful? Who are you when you feel the most broken? Get to know all of your range, and find out what each part of you needs in order to not lash out. If you’ve been doing a LOT of shadow work, now might be some time to focus on getting to know your higher self and your light aspects. Spend time playing with your inner child, do some daydreaming, do some joy exercises. It’s all about balance, and your heart is ready to exist in all its range.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22) - Nine of pentacles

Cancer, this month you’re going to feel proud of all you do for those around you and all you have changed in your life to give back to yourself. The Queen of Pentacles is a quiet manifesting energy. It’s one about seeing potential, knowing how to nurture it, and then watching everything bloom without force, without pressure. This season, I feel like this card is appearing to tell you that you’re right where you need to be spiritually, and that sometimes, you need to just sit with your energies and your growth and acknowledge how far you’ve come. You’re leaps and bounds ahead of where you thought you’d be. Maybe you connect with your guides in a way you never dreamed possible. Maybe you’re reading tarot for yourself so thoroughly now that it feels like second nature, whatever the case, take some time to honor yourself for what you’ve learned and how you continue to grow.

Cancer rising bebes, Capricorn runs your 7th house, my moon bbs. With the 9 of pentacles here, I want y’all to consider your long standing relationships. Whether this be platonic, romantic, or business, the nine of pentacles shows that you’re reaching a new level this month in those relationships. If there have been some serious conversations you’ve been avoiding, it might be time to step up for yourself and explain what you need and want from these relationships. Capricorn season is about knowing your worth and going after it. And the 9 of pentacles shows that you have a bit more growing to do before you reap the bounty of your harvest.

Leo (July 23 - August 21) - Four of pentacles rx

Ahhh, yessss, I like this card for you Leo, especially after the card you had last month. This season ushers in a change of pace with your card, the card of balance. This is a card too though about shooting for the stars and then pulling back and readjusting as you start to make the journey. This month, Leo, take some time to assess where you still need to change. Where you have changed. Some of you are beginning to make changes after Scorpio season and learning that you don’t want to continue down the path you were on. It’s ok to be a bit overly ideal this month, but lean into the “why” of your dreams to help you remain grounded and to find a path to achieve what you want. I’m seeing that relationships are shifting for a lot of you but it’s not because of anything outside of you, mostly because of what you’re changing internally. If this rings true, take some time to think about how you shifted. Was it a mindset? Was it a way of reacting? Whatever is working, keep doing it. Whatever isn’t working. Change it as you see fit.

Leo rising folks, Capricorn rules over your 6th house and this card is asking you to step up your home-care, home-life, and daily routines. Find a way to give yourself the fire you need, and a way to let your inner self shine even in your home. Maye now is time to start that podcast you’ve been thinking of. Record it, even if it’s just for you. The 4 of pentacles Rx points to a lack of security in this case, and with Capricorn ruling your day-t0-day house, a house normally ruled by Virgo, you may want to think about what you want your day to day routine to look like long term. There are some things that you cannot do now, obviously, like get out into the world for fun, but you can work towards creating that long-term life style via trial and error and making the best out of what you have. Work within your means. If you can’t garden, but want to have a garden one day, start with a tiny succulent. If you want to have a set gym routine in the future, maybe try out small habits at home. Youtube has a good selection of apartment/small space/low noise work outs. This season is about trying to establish habits that will help years down the line.

Virgo (August 22 - September 23) - Four of Cups Rx

Virgo, this season, you’ll want to shift your attention to nurturing the seeds that are starting to sprout and taking less attention off of what isn’t working out to well. Try to avoid the word “mistakes” instead, think of it all as “trying things out”. If you put energy somewhere and it doesn’t give much energy back in the form of fulfillment or joy or payment, then shift your attention to what is nourishing you back. This is the perfect time for that. Capricorn will help you dream long term and focus on the goals that will help you best.

Virgo rising folks, Capricorn rules the 5th house in your chart, lovelies. With four of cups Rx here, it seems like y’all are lingering too hard in what you need to be doing. There’s an energy of “not enough” here whether that’s not having “achieved” enough this year, or not having cleaned enough. It will vary from person to person, but the truth is, that whatever you did this year was more than enough. The four of cups is telling you to focus on what you have achieved and all you have finished even if that is having made it through the year, doing your best to help others stay safe. So, for this season, try to think of what you have achieved and think of how you made it through this year. Compare where you are emotionally to where you were last year. Maybe the big achievements happened inside for you. Either way, wherever you’re at, you did your best and even Capricorn knows it’s not about one year, but about longer cycles.

Libra (September 24 - October 23) - 8 of pentacles

Hey Libra boos! So this season for you is going to be about following through on your goals and continuing with the work. Much like with Libra rising, but in this case, I actually get that this card is relating more to long term legacy type goals. We’re talking career (not just your current job) and your long-term relationships. This season, think about how you want to feel in these areas of your life. It’s good to focus on numbers and tangible things you want to do, but it’s MUCH better to have a clearly defined feeling you want. That way, as you begin to move towards your goals, if you experience that feeling, you’ll know you’re on the right track. You’ve been doing well at pursuing longer-lasting fulfillment and this card is telling you to keep at it. You get what you feed into.

Libra rising folks, Capricorn rules your 4th house, and with the eight of pentacles here, this card is telling you to continue down that path you’ve been putting your energy into in regards to your home life and family. I’m getting that some of you have been putting more energy into your home via creating altars, or tending to your ancestors, and if that’s the case, this card is signaling that you should continue doing that. You’re reaching a sort of “leveling up” with your spirit and the connection to your roots and your home, and whatever you’ve been doing is working. Aim the centaurs arrow towards the horizon and shoot for the next phase of your life.

scorpio (October 24 - November 22) - The magician rx

Scorpio! Magician Rx? Have the holidays been causing you to revert to your powerless self? Have people been pushing your boundaries and making you feel like less than you are? It’s alright to admit if this has happened, especially with family dynamics. But let this tarotscope serve as a reminder that you can totally push back. You’re not your child self no matter how much others make you feel like it. Flip this card and wield your power. Perhaps cast a self-empowerment spell or make a talisman if you’re going to have to interact with fam. Even if it is over Zoom, you can still find yourself in dynamics you don’t really want.

Scorpio rising, Capricorn rules the 3rd house for you, the house of local community and that exists just outside the home. This card is signaling that it’s time to use your transformation skills to help create active change in the community around you. You’re likely in the mindset of thinking that, as one person, you can’t do much. Or maybe you’re focus has been mostly on contributing in smaller ways, but this card is saying that your spirits are asking you to step it up. Can you organize a drive of food in your smaller network and neighborhood and donate it to a food back? If you’re creative or skilled in woodworking, maybe create a little small library food pantry.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) - ace of swords

This season is going to bring a swift blade to all the old thought processes and habits you’ve had. You’re feeling the pull to reinvent yourself and your habits. Maybe it’s something smaller like taking a break from social media. Maybe it’s something big, like a shift via therapy. If that’s the case, allow your soul and spirit team to guide you towards these shifts. How do you need to change your thought process? What better time to recreate yourself than when we’re all already inside. It’s no surprise so many people have been investigating their gender while in solitude, it’s the perfect time to experiment and feel out who you are and who you want to project to the world.

Sagittarius rising people, this is all about your 2nd house or what I consider the house of values. This is all about what you surround yourself with and how your identity extends from your self to your surroundings. With the ace of swords here, I think this season is going to be about coming to a new realization with how you extend your identity around you. You may feel the pull to get rid of old things. If that’s the case, lean into it. Let go of the things that no longer fit into your new journey or your current sense of self. Donate these items to people who will appreciate them. As Marie Kondo suggests, perhaps say goodbye too!

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) 10 of swords rx

It’s your season, baby! Though the 10 of swords is a hard card, in reverse, I think it’s about letting go. This season will bring a sort of weight being lifted off of you. So many planets are leaving Capricorn too which will totally help. But this season, let go of old belief systems that are weighing you down. Maybe do a burn and release ritual prior to New Year’s Eve and a prosperity or abundance bath just after the new year. This year, your season is about new beginnings in so many different ways. Especially for anyone with a lot of Capricorn in their chart. Also, happy solar return boo!

Capricorn rising peeps, We’re in your first house season. With 10 of swords here, I’m getting that a lot of you are stepping out of a fog and a sort of dark episode which isn’t surprising given that this season is going to be about identity. You’ve let go of some old ways of seeing yourself. Maybe you were lingering in a victim mentality and have been able to flip that and see yourself as more empowered than you’ve felt. If that’s the case, do some deep cleansing and protective work, then build yourself up with some self-love magic.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19) - strength

The Strength card is pushing you to embody the current heavy energy and to reinvent the structures of your life. Where do you want to be more giving? Where do you want to think differently? What routines need to be broken down and recreated? What about your spirituality needs to be assessed and revamped? It’s NOT the start of the age of Aquarius, but it is the start of a year with some heavy Aquarius energy which will allow you to revamp whatever areas of your life the planets and asteroids point to.

Aquarius rising friends, Capricorn rules the 12th house in your chart. This card is asking you to go inward and to have the strength to face the darker aspects you’ve pushed away for some time now. You’re in the right season for shadow work and for undoing ingrained habits and old methods of thinking. Shadow work this season may look like journaling for you or talking things out with your spirit team. Aside from this, this season is about being willing to keep some parts of yourself to yourself. Allow yourself to have boundaries with which parts of yourself you share with others. Authenticity is a loaded word, and while you should totally embody your WHOLE self. You don’t need to give all parts of yourself to every person you meet. Allow yourself to set boundaries with who has access to your energies.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20) - the high priestess

Pisces you cute little water bbs. The High Priestess has popped up to tell you that you’re intuition is on high alert right now. Whatever your soul is calling you to do, it’s time to listen. Ignore the bulk of the advice around you (unless it’s in reference to cultural practices outside what you do etc) and focus instead on the inner guidance. Ask your spirit team to guide you through your rituals. Ask your spirits to step in and show you what movement you need to be doing through the day to move your stagnant energy. I’d def. recommend y’all do a tarot spread prior to the end of 2020 to figure out anything that needs to be let go of and figure out what you need to draw in.

Pisces rising people, Capricorn rules your 11th house so your house of community, like long-lasting community and friendships, and the house of networking. With the High Priestess popping up, it’s a good idea for you to step out and expand your spiritual community. Maybe you’ve been going to one reader for a while and it might be time to try someone new too. Or maybe it’s about creating your own longer lasting community. Have you been wanting to start a book club or a spell swapping discord? Now is a perfect time. THink about what you want to build long term in the spiritual community and let your intuition guide you.



If you enjoyed this and want to support my work and help me continue to provide free readings and such, feel free to donate here or donate via Venmo (@Brujerias). You can also support the Etsy shop. My tarot services are going buh-bye so def. book one ASAP if you want to get a good deal and get a tarot sesh before I remove them on January 5th (sessions can be booked through the end of Jan but).



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