Aquarius Season Tarotscopes
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UGH can you believe it! Capricorn season is over!
I’m excited to move into Aquarius season and the rest of the winter. On a personal level, there have been some changes in my home life that are creating more space in my life and I’m finally shifting into a mode where I can embrace my creativity again after having to suppress it so much last year or use it for someone else’s gain.
Aside from these personal changes, I’m also SOOOO excited to be offering an Astrology class very soon, near the end of Aquarius season. Sign up for the newsletter so that you can be notified as soon as the details are up! I hope to have the information live very soon! This course is going to be a doozy with video lectures, live Q&A sessions, PDF worksheets, and opportunities to get feedback on the assignments!
If you are someone who has no astrology knowledge, or someone who has some knowledge but still finds themselves googling the meaning of many things then this is FOR YOU, BOO. If you’re someone who feels like astrology is SOO much memorizing but you still want to learn, then this is the best way to gain those building blocks.
To help cut back on some of my workload, I’ve moved the lunar notes of my tarotscopes over to my patreon! the first tier is $4.44 and gets you a good deal of info, transits, random spells, two baño recipes a month, and more!
Aquarius Season Tarotscopes
Aries (March 21 - April 20) The Empress
Aries, this card is a call to teach yourself how you want to be loved, to treat yourself in the way you want others to love you. It’s no secret that this last year brought a good deal of change and attention to your sign, and now is the time to begin the nurturing process. Consider going back in meditation, as your older self, to visit your preteen self. There is something about this age range that is sticking out right now. What did you most need to hear? What kind of nurturing did you most need at this age? Take the time to give yourself those things. Maybe it is sappy movies, or baths and a pedicure, or maybe it’s something else, something more active and forceful like kickboxing classes or movement coping mechanism. Either way, the call this month is for you to parent and love yourself in the way you deserved and in the ways you currently need.
Aries rising folks, this season rules over your 11th house. Given that Aries kicks off the zodiac wheel, your houses are consistently ruled by their traditional rulers. This month, you are being reminded that the relationships that most feed you are also the ones that need nurturing. I think there’s often talk about nurturing community and reaching out to friends, but I also think it’s important to acknowledge that these things are difficult for neurodivergent folks. So, instead of thinking about adding “check in on friends” to your to-d0 list, if it’s something you occasionally dread, add “communicate more clearly” to the list. How can you be honest with the relationships that matter? How can you say, “Right now I’m in hermit mode, but I just want you to know I care about you,” in your own way? Instead of focusing on how you should be participating and nurturing, focus instead on how YOU best can do this.
Taurus (April 21 - May 21) - Strength Rx
Mars has officially entered your sign and with it, it brings a bit of conflict, as Mars tends to do! With Strength in Rx, this tells me that you’re in a position where you’re having to learn how to channel your inner strength and your power in a way that is reigned in. Conflict is not a bad thing, but it can be bad when we leave conflict and begin engaging in harmful discourse: belittling, taunting, mocking, inciting, etc. This season, you’re going to learn how to work with your strength to engage in conflict in a way that is beneficial to you. I get the feeling that some of you who are reading this are likely dealing with a suppressed strength instead of what is mentioned above. For those of you who feel internally weak, scared, and don’t know how to take up space, this season might be about using your words to practice taking up space. Find the channel where your strength can more easily slip out.
Taurus rising folks, this season rules over your 10th house. This is what I like to consider the house of legacy not only because it deals with career but because it also deals a bit with purpose and with all the ways we create a public image. With so much going on in the sign of Aquarius, and with Mars in your first house, you’re likely having a lot of thoughts and ideas activated about whether your career and legacy are in line with who you are becoming. Mars is not happy in Taurus, but in the first house, there’s likely some tension in how you express yourself, how you take up space in your public image, and Uranus is only going to activate a desire for big changes. This who season’s energy may be throwing you off balance and causing you to look down at your feet and wonder when and how you got there. The Strength card in Rx signals that you might be feeling as if things are out of your control in this regard. But to flip the card right side up, you need to accept what you cannot control and find the strength to make the changes that are within your power. There are always some things within our power, even if they’re smaller things.
Gemini (May 22 - June 21) - Queen of Cups
After the two of cups last season, I love to see the Queen of Cups here for you Gemini. This season, you have learned how to give your heart to others in small or meaningful and valuable ways. You have opened yourself to receiving love. Now that you have, it’s time to get to know the reach of your emotional body a bit better. As you continue nurturing relationships with important people in your life, what do you do to spread that love and energy on a larger scale? How do you let your well overflow and spread towards others? This month, it might be a good idea for you to do a healing meditation beginning with a focus on your home, then your neighborhood, then your city, then your county, then your state, and so on and on until you get to the point of sending loving healing light to the entire world. What color does the Queen of Cups want you to send to the world? Is it multiple colors
Gemini rising folks Aquarius rules the ninth house in your chart, which is a great place for this sign to be. The 9th house often deals with travel which can also be travel of the mind, expanding and learning new lives. With the Queen of Cups being your card for this season, I think this is encouraging you to seek out new paths of knowledge with spirituality. Find a new passion within the craft and dedicate yourself to it. How can you integrate this into your practice to create a craft that pushes you towards growth. Aside from this, however, I also think some of you may benefit from learning a new language that is related to your ancestral roots. It might be that you do this through a class, though some of you may be able to learn a new tongue by speaking with your ancestors and connecting with them through channeling.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22) - Wheel of Fortune
Cancer, this month is about remembering that life is full of cycles and ups and downs. Right now you are heading into a moment of more joy and finally getting some things you’ve been hoping for. I think this may be linked to wherever Jupiter falls in your chart. Either way, if the win is small or big, take time to truly celebrate it before thinking about the next big thing you need to work towards. Sometimes, when we begin embracing the cyclical nature of life, we can fall into the habit of pulling ourselves from the present. We think, “I’m in a moment of good, but what happens next?” or we are in a lull and low moment, but focus too much on old good times or future potentials. The true lesson of the Wheel of Fortune is not just embracing cycles, but learning to exist in the present wherever you are in the cycle.
Cancer rising bebes, Aquarius rules your eighth house and the wheel of fortune tells me good things are coming in terms of money for you. The wheel is spinning and if you’ve been in a hella lull, it’s time for you to claim what you’ve been working towards. In this deck, Jupiter represents the wheel of fortune and how fitting that Jupiter is in this sign alongside Capricorn. For a couple more weeks it will be within 5 degrees causing some constriction on the expansion. Some limits around how you receive. So, take the good wins that you get and celebrate them. Even if they feel small. I would say to rely on road opening and obstacle removing blocks along with creating actual boundaries in your mundane life. The thing about Saturn, is that it’s very much daddy energy, putting up blocks so that you learn what you’re willing to push through and what you’re unwilling to sacrifice. When you begin setting boundaries and claiming your space, so much opens up for you.
Leo (July 23 - August 21) - The Lovers Rx
This month your navigating themes of feeling “torn.” There could be difficulties in your relationships, your friendships, your family, in addition to the feeling of a tear within you. Many of us are navigating the after-effects of the last four years. Though there may some sense of relief, there’s also tension. We’ve been living with the rug continuously being pulled out from under us, and now that one stressor has been cleared from your life, the other suppressed emotions are rushing in. It may cause you to lash out, to act differently than who you normally are. Maybe this lashing out is being directed at yourself too. Either way, to reverse the card, you have to seek out ways to give and to take in your life. What things do you demand from your spirit and your body? What do you give it in return? Do you allow yourself to rest and to be loved and nourished? Invite your spirits to heal you in times of rest. Ask for restful and rejuvenating sleep.
Leo rising folks, Aquarius rules you 7th house, so it’s fairly fitting that we see this card here. I’m not going to lie, this may be a bit of a tough month for those in relationships or those who are living with others. Especially given that Mercury will retrograde in this sign as well. If you’re in partnership(s) then do your best to give breathing room to any arguments that come up. Find ways to channel ease and rest into your way of being so that you avoid lashing out. If others take a rough approach to arguments, state clear boundaries and walk away. What comes up during retrograde was either something that needed to be felt and discussed or something that was brushed under the rug a while ago. Take note of when you last had these types of arguments.
Virgo (August 22 - September 23) - Princess of Pentacles
This is a lovely card for you, Virgo. With us being in Capricorn season, and in winter, this card is signaling for you to think ahead and to plan out what you want to manifest come spring. This card represents Spring in this deck, and I think that it is signaling a new walk down a serious spiritual path. Some of you might be starting a course that will end around Spring time, some of you might decide to form a new studious path for yourself, for others it might be a small but meaningful shift like setting up an altar for your ancestors. This card is full of youthful and glowing energy, an energy of excitement and hope, and that energy surrounds you this month. Take the energy, create an action plan, and start moving forward towards what you want to achieve.
Virgo rising folks, Aquarius rules your sixth house, the house of routine, work, and health. Having this card here is telling me that Aquarius season is about analyzing and adjusting your schedule so that you’re able to do what you want. With the Princess of Pentacles here, I do think this card is warning a bit about naivety. If you have things you want to achieve, do not let others pull your energy to the point of damaging your chances at creating the things you want in your life. I am getting that some of you are in school or a studious program and are being distracted by others’ needs. It’s good to care for others, but Virgo rising can sometimes give to the point of using up too much of their energy. The book Essentialism may be a good one for y’all. I’m currently reading it and it’s helpful in learning to cut out so you can focus on what matters.
Libra (September 24 - October 23) - The Sun Rx
Libra, it look like this month you’ll be navigating themes surrounding identity and how you express yourself. I’m getting that, because of the isolation and staying indoors, many of you are finding new parts of yourselves. It may be, that without having to put on a facade, you notice new aspects of yourself coming out. Maybe it’s slipping into your child self. Maybe it’s more about finding that you enjoy being alone. Either way, this season is about undoing the walls you have built up against yourself. Sometimes we suppress parts of our identity because we don’t feel safe enough to express it? How can you rediscover yourself—No, how can you allow yourself to exist fully? How can you allow all parts of yourself to be present here, today?
Libra rising folks, Aquarius rules your 5th house, and the Sun in reverse is saying that it’s time to let loose and add more fun into your lives. I don’t want to diminish all of the suffering we’ve been going through, all of the trauma we are existing in. I want you to know that I know it is hard to think of something like “fun” and I want you to know that I believe you can hold both of those emotions at once. I am not saying to go party it up or to ignore all you’re going through, I’m saying that sometimes you need to force yourself to do something that used to bring you joy because sometimes we’re the only ones who can look out for ourselves? If you’re especially isolated and living alone, I direct this to you. How can you create a date night for yourself where you say, “Just for tonight, I’m going to do my best to witness myself experiencing joy.” I find that laughing meditations are especially helpful at bringing out joy when it feels so deeply buried.
scorpio (October 24 - November 22) - The High Priestess Rx
Hello my Scorpio cuties! This month, the High Priestess in reverse is telling me that some of you are afraid of your inner knowing and power. I know we had The Magician Rx last month as well, and this card signals there’s still a little bit of a struggle for y’all and a bit of active suppression. It might be that you hear the whisper of your spirit team, but you deny yourself the knowledge because you claim not to be clairvoyant. Or maybe you’re begging to connect with your ancestors and feel no shift so you think you’re doing something wrong. My spooky bb, sometimes we don’t sense the change because we’ve been existing in that state for so long. Ask your guides to show you what it feels like when they’re not around, so you know your own energy. Then ask them slowly to share their energy with you so you get to know them better. I speak from experience, but whatever it is you so adamantly deny in yourself, is very very likely existing within or around you.
Scorpio rising, Aquarius rules the fourth house for you and I feel as though the message from above somewhat applies to you. The fourth house deals with so much about family but also about ancestors. That is what this card keeps whispering, “ancestors, ancestors, ancestors” and I’m getting that there are some of you out there who have been called to do ancestor work but you keep putting it off. Or some of you are connecting with your ancestors in new ways and you’re ignoring the need to sit with them or whisper prayers before bed. They don’t want much, but time is a gift you can give them that they’ll very much appreciate. Trust me when I say, when you let them in, they will teach you all the gifts that exist within you.
Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) - The Moon
Sagittarius, this season is about existing in the unknown. For those of you who are going through periods of taking big leaps or trusting your gut and making big changes, this card signals that it’s going to feel strange and spooky for a hot minute. The moon card to me is often a card of initiation. Of stepping into the depths of a forest, bare-skinned beneath the moon, asking for nothing more than a new pathway to yourself. I think initiations happen over and over in our lives in ways that sometimes feel mundane. Ask yourself, where do you feel unsupported? Where do you feel like you’re finally trusting yourself? It is there that you’ll be surrounded by a bit of a fog, a lack of clarity as you learn to trust yourself and your spirits. It’s okay to be afraid of the unknown, but remember that it holds just as many blessings as it does fears.
Sagittarius rising people, this season puts a spotlight on your third house. This is the house that holds the energy of stepping out your front door in the morning and saying hello to your neighbors. With the Moon here, I feel as though many of you feel detached from people you thought you were incredibly close to. Maybe it is that you and your siblings had a major argument, or maybe it’s something smaller, missing the feeling of saying hello to a friend who lived down the street. Maybe you’re in school and you simply miss interacting with classmates. Whatever the case, the Moon card is saying that the lack of clarity and connection is connected to the fog of our current times. Try to hold grace for yourself and your close friends and siblings. Try to remember that they may want to engage with you but they may be drained and unable. Send love as you can but allow yourself to exist in this space too. It shows you who you really care about.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) Nine of Pentacles Rx
Capricorn, you are typically a sign that is in it for the long haul, but I’m getting an energy of impatience from y’all. It could be that you think things aren’t working out because changes haven’t happened yet. Or maybe it’s that you give up on something before the blessing arrives. This card is here to remind you that you’re a sign of patience and the worst thing you can do is give up on something that might be on its way to you. I mean this about physical things primarily, not so much relationships. But take what feels in alignment from this. The best way to flip this card right-side up is to continue forward towards what you want to build knowing that we don’t always recognize or see our progress when we’re in the middle of it.
Capricorn rising peeps, Aquarius rules your second house the house of values (in many ways) but it’s also a house of money. With the 9 of pentacles in reverse, I’m getting a slow energy here. I know there is much you’re waiting on Capricorn peeps. Especially given that you just had a shit ton in your house last season and now all that energy shifted straight into your second house. I want to gently encourage you that the things you seek are on their way to you, but it’s as if they’re moving through sand. You know what I mean? I feel like many of you will see more movement and recognize the changes you need to make around the new moon and after the end of this season.
Aquarius (January 21 - February 19) - The World Rx
It’s your season, Aquarius, and we have the World in reverse. This season is going to be a significant one for you if you haven’t already started feeling it. You’ll likely find that you go through a metamorphosis of sorts, trying to decipher what really matters to you and what you no longer want in your life. Some things you no longer need or that no longer benefit you may start to fall away on their own. With the conjunction between the Sun and Saturn, you may see these effects in terms of situations that call for boundaries or confrontations. It’s all for your growth, however. Then, you may experience a nice feeling of expansion a few days after when Jupiter and the Sun are conjunct.
Aquarius rising friends, this sign rules your first house, the house of your identity, and how you share yourself with the world. I think the above actually applies heavily to you as well so read both of these paragraphs. Aside from the sun being in this sign this season, you also have Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury, with Mercury going retrograde on January 30th. So your identity, how you express it and take up space, along with boundaries with who you allow to know you, is all going to be in the hot seat. With Mercury going Retrograde in this sign, you can definitely expect some tech issues, perhaps a little bit of frustration in how you communicate your ideas, but nothing over the top. I wouldn’t be surprised if you go through some shifts in your long term relationships or with your business partnerships. Don’t fret too much, change can be welcome and wonderful. The full moon will be an especially potent time to sit and think about who you want around you long term.
Pisces (February 20 - March 20) - Temperance
Pisces bbs, temperance is your card this month but the big energy I’m getting here is a feeling of release. There’s a weight that has been lifted (obvi on a national scale in a way) but I think on a personal level for y’all as well. This card suggests, that as you move forward and adjust, you’ll likely find yourself exhausted, your appetite may change, and you may notice that you’re more sensitive to stimulus. If that is the case, take the advice of the temperance card and move towards balance and feeding the vessel that needs to be fed: as in drink water, eat what you crave when you do, and listen to when your body wants some gentle movement. You’re easing into a more gentle energy this season.
Pisces rising people, Aquarius rules your 12th house and with the card temperance, I feel that some of you may need to balance out a bit of your spiritual practice. Are you taking time to be human without worrying about the spiritual. As an espiritista, I coexist with my spirits, but I also make time for trashy tv, for books that ship me off to another world, for video games about cute fuzzy animals. I feel like this group is in need of more balance between the spiritual self and the mundane self. How can you combine those worlds? How can you also make time for what is calling to you? Some of you may benefit from sitting down to some Netflix and just asking your spirits to sit with you and help you heal.
If you enjoyed this and want to support my work and help me continue to provide free readings and such, feel free to donate here or donate via Venmo (@Brujerias). You can also support the Etsy shop. My tarot services are going buh-bye so def. book one ASAP if you want to get a good deal and get a tarot sesh before I remove them on January 5th (sessions can be booked through the end of Jan but).