Scorpio Season Tarotscopes


The Sun will enter the sign of Scorpio on 10/22 at about 4pm PST and remain there until 11/21 at about noon PST.

Scorpio is the sign that rules over the eight house, or the house of transformation, death, sex, and often creates a need for emotional intensity.


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If you enjoy this and want to support my work and help me continue to provide free readings and such, feel free to donate here or donate via Venmo (@Brujerias). You can also support the Etsy shop. I'm offering Tarot readings again via PDF/email and am now offering In-depth Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign Readings for $44 too!



I KNOW! Y’all were maybe at least a little bit sad that you didn’t get a tarotscope for September, but if I’m being honest, much of my ‘scopes tended to focus on the coming zodiac season versus the month every time I wrote them. SOOO clearly that was my astrology mind and my mystic mind wanting to focus more on the zodiac season than the calendar month.

So, now that we know that, let’s dive in and take a gander at what’s in store for each sign this month. I’ve also broken these up a bit and gave a specific paragraph for each Rising sign. So, you can read these for your Sun sign first, and then read the second paragraph for your Rising sign if you know it. But first, let’s look at the major moon phases. I’ll be looking at all of these based on PST.

October 23rd - First Quarter Moon in Aquarius

Aquarius is concerned with systems, creating a utopia, and reinventing the world. It’s not about throwing away the systems entirely, but about reinventing how we use them. It’s a sign that wants to shift individuals towards a society that honors individual contributions while seeing how they also feed into a community. Given that the moon is so near full, you may be desiring to problem solve today, or you may be thinking a lot about society and all the issues within in. Try not to doom scroll too much today and avoid over-reading about politics. Good magic for today:

  • Dream magic: Neptune is in some prime spots today and may influence some vivid dreams. You may want to do a meditation to help induce lucid dreaming. Use some chamomile or mugwort to help boost a journey through the dream world.

  • Akashic records meditations: Again, Neptune's placement will help you tune in in a positive way.

  • Cleansing or herbal baths: This is a good day to amp up your self care and cleanse a bit before the major blue moon where you're likely to be doing some kind of magic or ritual.

October 31st - Full moon in taurus

UGH I can’t even tell you how excited I am for this moon. I LOVE TAURUS ENERGY. Look, the only person to ever tell me they love me during a one night stand was a Taurus and I kind of LIVE for that energy. My excessive Cappy energy needs their lush groundedness. But enough about my sexcapades. Let’s talk about why this moon is AMAZING. This placement is all about feeding the dead, feeding yourself, letting your senses have their fill right alongside your loves ones and your spirits. I’m still debating on whether or not I will have a full moon ritual guide for sale this month but I’ll keep y’all posted. So, here is some magic you can do on this full moon:

  • DIVINATION AND CHANNELING: Look, I'm not saying the skies are in prime position. There's a good deal of squares between some of the personal planets. BUT, here's what I think as an astrologer, and everyone's views may differ, but I think of squares as opportunities for growth. Even if it feels rough at first, dive in, chat with your spirit team. I recommend divination that is connected to traditional methods. Go traditional tarot decks. Go with scrying via water or candle or black mirror.

  • Get out in nature if you can, there's some heavy Earth energy and you'll be able to vibe with the spirits of the land, but DO BRING OFFERINGS. Regardless of what you do, make offerings to your spirit team and ancestors. This is the day for that.


  • CREATE SOMETHING! Tune into the energies around you and let it inspire you to make something. Ask your spirits to guide you. Maybe you dance recklessly during the night. Maybe you make art out of dirt and ashes.


november 8 - Last quarter moon in leo

You may be navigating old belief systems. On this day, the moon will be squaring the Sun so there will be opportunities for change and transforming but it might feel a bit challenging at first. Now, it will be sextile Venus and trined Mars which are both gifts and will help to counter the Sun challenge. You'll have just enough heat to burn away what doesn't need to remain. With this being the midpoint of the Scorpio season, use this phase to uncross, remove blocks, cut cords, and wash away all that doesn’t serve you before heading into the new moon of the season. Here’s some magic you may benefit from doing

  • UNCROSSING, BLOCK AND OBSTACLE REMOVAL: Especially as it relates to belief systems about self. With this moon phase and this zodiac season, you’ll want to use today to help transform old beliefs and heal.

november 14 - new moon in scorpio

What a wonderful time to dive deep, explore your shadows, divine, channel, tune into your deepest selves. Speak with your ancestors. Thank them for all the journeys they've taken you on in the dreamworld and for making their presence known earlier in the season. The new moon in Scorpio always feels a bit heavy hearted in a way. I don’t know if it’s that I feel as if I’m saying goodbye to old parts of myself, goodbye to a major holiday, or because I feel a shift into hermit mode. Still, whatever you feel today, sit with it. Honor the remaining energy of Scorpio season and let yourself feel the intensity of your emotions. What an honor it is to feel so deeply to be capable of sensing and connecting with a world that is so much more than what most think it is. How beautiful this spiritual connection we’re shaping. In terms of magic I recommend the following:

  • DIVINATION: Allow yourself to sit in the dark and divine via candle light a pendulum. Bone throwing. Scrying via water. Whatever is going to allow you to embrace your shadow and connect with your subconscious.

  • SHADOW WORK: Let yourself journal, channel via art or writing. Tune in to the parts of yourself that have been acting out and crying for attention, the parts of yourself that you reject. Lean into those parts.



Scorpio Season Tarotscopes

** Quick note: there are a shit ton of reversed cards which is common during retrograde, but the messages that came through were loud and clear so don’t feel too hesitant about it all **


Aries (March 21 - April 20) The Moon Rx

Aries, there are some changes you’ve been wanting to make, but you’re fearing taking the leap. What is it that you want to go after? Right now, Mars, your ruling planet, is retrograde in your sign, which is likely pushing you (internally) to chase after your dreams further but maybe also asking you how far you’re willing to go to chase them (externally). Don’t let fear stop you from even trying, though. Now is a time to illuminate the dark and the shadows and the fears. What is it you’re really afraid of? Failing? Things are so much worse when you don’t try, when you don’t at least make a small attempt to go after what you want. This season, change the way you take risks. Make them calculated and precise, and don’t let fear stop you from planning out changes.

Aries rising folks, Scorpio rules over your eight house which means you are definitely going to be feeling the energies this month more than most. DAMN like it’s going to be real fucking potent for you. I’m guessing you’re already nodding your head in agreement. This season, give in to the transformations. What are you afraid to change about yourself? The Moon card is pushing you to let your fears point out where you need change, where you’re ready to have a small death (a death of an old self) or where you need to stop leaking energy. The moon card calls you to come closer, to feel what it is to stand in the dark, to accept that there is no lantern right now and the only guidance you can follow is the guidance of your own fears. When we face the dark, we first paint shadows and monsters there, but eventually we realize that the scariest part was the not knowing. Then the fears fade and we find solace. When we don’t know what is to come, we can’t really make too many wrong choices, right?

Taurus (April 21 - May 21) - The Devil Rx

Taurus, this season, you feel the call to pay attention to the darker parts of yourself. You want to know them more intimately and that, is a beautiful desire. When we want to accept all parts of ourself, when we want to embrace and know the parts we previously rejected, that is when we move towards healing. This season, The Devil card in reverse tells you this is the perfect time to feed these parts of yourself. What does anger feel like in your body? Do you turn away from this, why? Can you give your anger an outlet, a way to move so that it creates and drives you in a way that isn’t harmful? What part of you is sexual and full of desire? What is your relationship to sex? What does passion and sensuality look like to you? This is the time to figure that out, my friend. We can’t ignore the pull of these “darker” parts of ourself. If we ignore them, they only manifest in other ways. If you want to be sensual and sexual, find a partner who consents, who you feel safe with, that you can explore these parts of yourself with more fully. If you want to dive into a certain kind of magic that is taboo, can you find a mentor to study under? If you want to party and let loose, how can you do this safely? Taurus is all about the sensual pleasures, and Scorpio season is a prime time to consider what we deny ourselves and what we deem “ok.”

Taurus rising folks, Scorpio rules over the seventh house for you, so that means your relationships are likely going to be facing big transformations. You might find that some of them “die off” a disconnect occurs and you simply can’t recover. If this happens because you feel yourself changing and shifting and have people who can’t accept that, maybe it’s for the best. Aside from ruling over relationships and the way we bond with others on a permanent level, this house also deals with enemies and other serious bonds. Do some heavy cleansing this month if you feel like people are being envious or jealous. Witches know this season is one with some major potent energy for both baneful magic and protection magic, so if you feel you got some shady people keeping an eye on you, go with it and trust that to be the case. Act on that and do some heavy duty protection magic yourself. In terms of the Devil Rx, this is a season when you are being reminded of the power you hold. Don’t be afraid of your own power. Step into it. Claim that power and own it. So many of us fear power when we first interact with it, we fear what it will make us, but when you step into your power knowing that it can change you, you have the chance to decide for yourself just how it changes you.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21) - Two of Swords Rx

Gemini, you’re dealing with navigating two ways of being this month. Where are your choices? What are you choosing? Are you feeling torn because you need to put up a front or a mask with certain people? If that’s the case, don’t punish yourself too much. For a long while I wondered why I couldn’t be my WHOLE self, all the time. And in some ways, this is a good question to ask yourself, but in therapy I also learned that we don’t HAVE to trust EVERYONE with EVERY aspect of ourselves. It’s okay to only show some facets of yourself if you don’t feel safe enough to show all parts of you. Now, when it comes to people that you love and are trying to trust, those are the people you want to show yourself wholly too. Let them see those parts of you. The big theme this month is about transforming how you display yourself.

Gemini rising folks Scorpio rules the sixth part of your chart, the daily living aspect. This means you’re going to be facing the effects of your daily routines. You might feel called to change how you learn and grow on a daily basis. You might bedealing more with health routines. How are you feeding yourself? How are you caring for this body on this journey? With the 2 of swords in reverse, you will be navigating the space of being pulled into old habits and new desires. You may feel torn at moments between knowing what you NEED to do and knowing what you want to do. Instead of thinking too much about making a HUGE Scorpio transformation, lean into the daily part and let each day be a new day. If you don’t follow through with new habits one day, start over the next. Be gentle through these rough moments.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22) - The Magician Rx

What is stopping you from embodying your creative, full manifesting self? This season, transform the way you look at your own abilities. Your feeling the pull to create a new life for yourself in some ways. Maybe it’s the way you interact with your loved ones. Maybe you want to go down a new magical path. Maybe you’re considering going back to school. If something is pulling you here, the Magician card in reverse is asking you not to doubt your intuition. This is a time of heightened intuition so trust that, if your doing your best to connect with yourself, that this message is coming from your higher self or your spirit team. Write out what you want, try out some manifestation tips (Lightwands Tarot has a good youtube video about this) either way, try to transform the way you think about what is possible to you. Believe you have every right to the future you dream of as any other fulano out there.

Cancer rising bebes, Scorpio rules over your fifth house, or the house most commonly known as the “fun” house. With the Magician in reverse, I think this card is a message about being playful with your spirituality. Are you allowing yourself to joke around with your spirit team? Are you adding a fun and lighthearted energy to your magic and spells. Do you take time to relish and enjoy the energy of the workings that you’re doing? This is also the house of creativity, passion, entertainment, and enjoyment. I’m getting that some of you are ignoring a creative drive. How many of you have felt pulled to start something new, an art project, a piece of writing, a film, and have ignored it? This card signals that these creative inspirations are linked to your transformation, listen to them.

Leo (July 23 - August 21) - Seven of Swords Rx

Weapons out my friends. That’s what I’m hearing. Some of you need to have your weapons drawn and ready to battle for the things you deserve and the things you desire. Some of you, however, are running to your weapons WAY too fast. Like, not thinking of how much responsibility you play in your role. Think about weapons this month regardless of how you resonate with this phrase. Chances are, you need to face some transformation in the way you wield your weapons whether in love, in work, or in spirit. Choose your battles wisely. With Mars in Aries and stationed retrograde for a while longer, you’ll want to be wary of being reactive versus acting from a place of best intentions for self.

Leo rising folks, this sign rules over the fourth house in your chart. This house is associated with family, with support, with home. These areas are likely going to be shaken a bit. Given our isolated state as well, you are likely already battling tension in the home. Keep this in mind as you navigate Scorpio season. Perhaps this is the month to sign up for family therapy (if you can afford it), to take up a new family hobby (painting night together) or to schedule monthly zoom sessions with your chosen family if you can’t see them in person. Think of how you’d like these parts of your life to transform. The 7 of swords in reversed here, is telling you to fight for time and care with your loved ones. To fight the thoughts that tell you they don’t care about you. Fight against the thoughts that tell you blood family is the only family if they are harmful to you. Choose your family, fight for them, and fight for the kind of family you deserve.

Virgo (August 22 - September 23) - Ace of Cups

AHHH YAY. I feel like this season is going to be amazing for you Virgo. You’re feeling a shift and the start of a new journey in loving yourself and expressing love through yourself. There’s so much joy I’m picking up on here. Given that it is Scorpio season, I feel like some of this joy will come as a reward after you shift and make some changes you need to make. I think part of that is going to come from shifting the way you care and love yourself. If you feel a pull to shift how you provide care to yourself, how you treat yourself internally, how you express love, go with the flow and change it up. This card is saying that it is time for you to begin again and form new habits for the heart and in your relationships.

Virgo rising folks, you’ll be seeing transformation in your third house, the house of what exists just outside the home. You may shift the way you navigate politics. Maybe you feel pulled to work with grassroots orgs. You might want to work on your communication skills and how you interact with people you don’t know too well. Either way, I think this month is going to bring some major learning in something you are passionate about. I’m getting that this is less spiritually driven and more mundane (leadership, body language, learning a new language, etc). Lean into this and allow the small pull and drive to give you a focus. Revel in the energy of a new beginning. It’s so fun being the student again.

Libra (September 24 - October 23) - Nine of wands rx

Libra, your season has ended, you have just gone through a solar return, and chances are you’re feeling the weight of so much that has passed and the uncertainty of what’s to come. Your fears and concerns are valid, but don’t allow them to consume you too much. There are some fears that are draining your energy and asking too much of you when you don’t know what is to come. The things that demand your attention (how you care for your littles, how you stay connected, etc) are important and need your attention. But other things shouldn’t demand too much of you. Your spiritual journey doesn’t need to be an overnight shift. Don’t stress about your spiritual gifts. Don’t worry about what will happen in five years, think only about what you absolutely need to think about. Let the changes you’ve decided to make after your solar return happen gradually, if at all.

Libra rising folks, Scorpio rules over your second house, the house that I think deals with our values, how we extend our identity over things close to us, and what sorts of things we deem important in our lives. This season, you’re likely to see changes in what you want around you. Perhaps you’ve been someone who believed you didn’t “need things” around you to be happy. And while that is true, maybe you’re finding that you also want things and that this is perfectly normal and acceptable. Maybe you’re someone who has recently decided that you’d be much happier paying down debt slowly and spending more on traveling or seeing the world. ALSO totally alright. Your sense of value is being transformed. What you think of as important in your day to day life is shifting. Be kind to yourself and accept yourself. You don’t need to transcend past the need for “things.” You’re a human who was likely raised in a capitalistic society. Pretending you’re not a consumer isn’t going to do you much good in accepting all parts of yourself.

scorpio (October 24 - November 22) - The emperor

I love this card for you in your season, Scorpio. I think this is a card that is signaling for you to take a more precise role in how you shift and how you grow. You’re being asked to step up your logical energy and step up in how you parent yourself. Maybe this has to do with self care? I don’t necessarily mean self care in terms of baths but rather how you nourish yourself and your mental health. This season is one that is going to create big, lasting changes for you. Your solar return is surrounded by an energy of potency and major planetary aspects that provide opportunities to make lasting changes and big strides in your personal and spiritual growth. I’m getting that a lot of you are needing to make energetic shifts as well. As you change how you think and how you move, your energetic body may need some help. If you can, this is the perfect time for some energetic healing/cleansing/clearing to help your body adjust to the upcoming growth.

Scorpio rising, this sign rules your first house, the house of self, of how you express the self. You are likely questioning how you express your identity. How do you share yourself with the world? Is there a way you wish you expressed yourself? Is there a part of you that you’ve hidden that is begging to be in the limelight? This season is going to be one that really has you thinking about the simplest of ways that. you express your identity. You might feel drawn to changing your hair dramatically, or altering the way you dress. Maybe being at home more has made you realize what you like wearing, how you like expressing your identity versus what you do because you feel you need to do it. The emperor card is suggesting you journal and think about these changes. If you do want to change your hair drastically, just think about it a bit before you do it. But ultimately, don’t be afraid to do it. If it’s going to help you step into your power, then fuck yeah, dye your hair bright pink. You do you this season, but when you do, fucking own it.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) - Death rx

How fitting of a sign to get in this season, Sagittarius. This month, you’re clearly dealing with issues of transformation but to be more specific, with a bit of growing pains as it relates to shedding old skin. I feel that some of you might be dealing with letting go of people you’ve outgrown, or situations that stifle your growth. Some of you might be seeking out new jobs because you feel like you’re not able to grow where you currently work. If that’s the case manifest some new gigs, hire a witch to get it done if you need some help! Go after the new things that you want, but do so with precision. What is it about your job that stifles you? Be clear about what you seek and ask the universe for it. It’s your right! This season, embody the snake and write until the old skin sheds and you wake up feeling refreshed, smooth, and new.

Sagittarius rising people, Scorpio rules the twelfth house in your chart. This house is a bit enigmatic. It’s one that many astrologers argue over. But basically, if Scorpio rules this house, you’ll be navigating how you give in to the universe around you and how you still work to contain a private life. This is the house that is often considered as dealing with the “unseen.” Yet some also consider to deal with past lives, endings, spirituality, psychic abilities, etc. For you, this month is going to bring transformation in the spiritual sense. You might be navigating a sort of dark night of the soul, especially with the Death in reverse. You’re resisting letting you old self die away. Perhaps you’re afraid these spiritual shifts will change you too much and you fear what it will bring. Go easy on yourself as you shift and adjust. Your spirit team will present you with changes you need to make, but ultimately, I believe in free will. And if you’re not ready, you’re not ready. But this card signals that you are, and that it is time. SO DO WHAT YOU WILL WITH THAT INFO, my loves.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) Ace of swords rx

Cappy, this month you’re navigating old belief systems that have sprung up for Mercury retrograde. You thought you had shifted how you saw certain things but perhaps an event triggered a few steps backwards. Don’t think you need to live in that space. Accept that you’re fumbling a bit with how you view yourself because of things around you, and then reach for your tools, reach for your spirits, ask them to help remind you of who you are and the truths you know about yourself. You’re powerful boo. So, go back to shifting the mindset. Place the sword right side up by battling these old belief systems, and finally transforming them by choosing to believe new realities about yourself.

Capricorn rising peeps, Scorpio rules the eleventh house in your chart. This is the house of friendships, of luck, of opportunities, of chosen family and community. With Scorpio ruling this house, you’re going to see some transformation in how you interact with your community. You might choose to take on. more responsibility. You might feel change in how you perceive hope and opportunities. Lean into these shifts. Embrace a new way of thinking. If you’re resistant about how you view certain things in your life, then it might be a good time to do some shadow work around why you can’t accept certain beliefs. With the Ace of Swords in reverse, and Scorpio rulling the eight house, I think this is the prime time to focus on changing what you think you deserve in the world. You deserve it all, love!

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19) - Queen of Wands

Aquarius, this month, you’ll be feeling powerful and strong. You’re magic is going to have a boost so be wise about what spells you put your energy into. You know what you want, ask for it, and let time create it for you. This month, you’re riding the retrogrades and strong placements pretty smoothly. Because of this, keep in mind that some of you might be feeling more settled than others around you. Use your loving creative energy to help find new solutions for the people around you who need you. Don’t give too much of course. But this season will show you who could really use your help, and who should get your help. If you do magic for others, consider offering your services to the community at a reduced rate this month if you are doing well financially and are feeling in the giving spirit.

Aquarius rising friends, you are going to see big shifts in your tenth house, the house of higher education, career, goals, public views, and structure. And the changes that come are going to be big and positive. I’m seeing a lot of good energy as it relates to career, but it’s going to feel small at first. It might be a shift, more clarity in what you need. You might suddenly realize that you want to shift over to a different path. Take the time to plot out what these changes will look like. The Queen of Wands is saying that you have potent energy, so lean into it. Take action in the physical and magical realm to help push these shifts along. If more opportunities to “be seen” arise, step into them and test it out. You’re ready.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20) - Five of pentacles rx

This month, Pisces, you’ll be navigating your relationship to life via what you deem important. You’ll face moments of frustration, moments of small losses, but then you’ll think more clearly about what is important in your life and it will help you let go of the things you don’t need anymore. You’ll likely see transformation in how you accept joy into your life. Some of you might realize that your relationships need more tending and care. Maybe you change your daily routine to include more of the things you love. You might get some disappointments but they will, overall, help align your life more towards how you want to live. The energy of this Scorpio season is one that will definitely pick up on your psychic energies. So, take time to meditate and focus on the things that you want to manifest. And know that when things clear out of your life, you make more room for what you want.

Pisces rising people, Scorpio rules the ninth house, the house of travel, wisdom, and philosophy. You’ll be navigating changes in this realm and I think this is a good time to embrace that. If you’re considering studying more deeply topics within this realm, then I’d say step into that and go for it. If you want to travel, but are unable to yet because of COVID, then take this time to learn more about the places you want to go to. Try learning languages of countries you want to visit. Take up some cooking classes if you can. The Queen of Wands is urging you to use your creative energies to pursue your passions especially as it relates to these topics. Pisces is all about being absorbed by the universe around them. Let your attention be pulled to your wild dreams. Visualize them. Allow yourself to daydream.



If you enjoyed this and want to support my work and help me continue to provide free readings and such, feel free to donate here or donate via Venmo (@Brujerias). You can also support the Etsy shop. I'm offering Tarot readings again via PDF/email and am now offering In-depth Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign Readings for $44 too!


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