Sagittarius Season Tarotscopes

The Sun will enter the sign of Sagittarius on 11/21 at about 12:40pm PST and remain there until 12/21 at about 2:15am PST.

Sagittarius is the sign that rules over the ninth house, or the house of travel, higher education, philosophy, basically to sum it up: expansion.


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Now that we are out of major retrograde zone (at least in relation to personal planets), we are headed into the final month of the calendar year of 2020 which will also bring with it a MAJOR conjunction, and two pretty big deal eclipses. Eclipses always bring them a good deal of growth and change in the span of a day. It’s almost as if we’ve gone through a whole cycle. So they can be pretty emotional but also lead to wild moments of clarity and lessons being finalized.

After seeing all that Scorpio season brought— was it wild for y’all too, by the way???— I’m excited to see what the fun and expansive season of Sagittarius will bring, especially when combined with two eclipses.

To help cut back on some of my work load, I’ve moved the lunar notes of my tarotscopes over to my patreon! the first tier is $7.77 and gets you a good deal of info, a monthly q/a session, and a new moon ritual.

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sagittarius Season Tarotscopes

** Quick note: there are a shit ton of reversed cards which is common during retrograde, but the messages that came through were loud and clear so don’t feel too hesitant about it all **


Aries (March 21 - April 20) Seven of swords rx

You’ve built up this life that you want to live, or at least the image of the life that you want to live. You’ve talked some big talk and acted as though things are going swimmingly. But in a lot of ways, you’re playing a balancing act. It’s not so much that there’s deceit, the truth is, you’ve started believing a lot of what you’re telling yourself, but this month, it’s at risk of falling down. Instead of pretending that things are going perfect and extremely well and acting as if this is the truth, why don’t you make the changes you want to make to have the life you want. I’m not talking about what’s out of your control, of course. But some of the lies that you’re telling yourself have more to do with ignoring the signs that things need to change around you. Maybe this has to do with relationships in your life, or maybe it has to do with something broader, like what makes you happy and ignoring the call to do more of it. Whatever the case, consider where in your life you’re playing a dangerous balancing game, and ask yourself what you can do to stop feeling as though you’re looking at things through rose colored glasses.

Aries rising folks, this season rules over your 9th house. When it comes to the seven of swords in reverse, I think this is about being a tiny bit more deceitful in some ways. Some of you want to expand. Some of you want to leave your jobs. Move to a new place. Start at a new school. Go after a career you’ve dreamed of. And it’s not that you’re not qualified, but you’re falling into old mindsets and not going after the things that you want because you’re afraid you aren’t enough. So lie to yourself a little bit, in this case. Gas yourself up. Tell yourself you have every right to go after the thing/the dream. Especially if you are a POC/Queer and even more if you’re a woman or enby. Take on the energy of an overly confident but mediocre white man and go after the thing you’re too scared to go after. This is about embodying this energy in a playful and beneficial manner.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21) - 9 of pentacles

This season, your attention is being pulled to patience. Funny enough, you’re normally a sign that, speaking generally, handles issues of patience fairly well. But this month, it’s about enjoying the energy of patience. You put in a good deal of work in the last 3-6 months and it’s time to sit back and wait for some things to come to fruition. In addition to this, though, it’s also a good time to cut away at the little weed that are popping up. In your journey to manifest and create, especially as it relates to finances and your spiritual journey, what are you continuing to do that you no longer wish to do? What are you feeding that is only sapping away from other things that are working. Cut back on those energy draining activities as best as you can and focus your attention on what needs it.

Taurus rising folks, Sagittarius rules over your eighth house, and with nine of pentacles here, this is going to be a season of accomplishment, of feeling proud of the person you’ve become this year. It’s been rough in a lot of ways and you likely had to go through a good deal of inner work to get to where you are, but by the end of Sagittarius season, you’re likely to realize that you’ve changed in ways you wouldn’t have without facing all you went through. Or at least not as quickly as you did. This is a season about letting the parts of you that are changing, change, and sitting back and bearing witness to it all. You’re making good strides and you’re nearing the end of some cycles that you’ve gone through over and over but this time, you’re emerging having learned the lesson.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21) - Eight of Pentacles

Gemini, the eclipse on the 30th is in your sign, and it’s going to be a whirlwind but useful. This month, you’re all about wrapping up goals and putting in the last of your energy to push through all you wanted to accomplish this year. You feel good about what you’ve done in regards to your aspirations, and you’ve definitely learned a lot from trying out new things. You are in a place of knowingness this season, and though you may be feeling a bit exhausted, you also know that rest is just around the corner. Sometimes it’s ok to push if you feel able to do so in a non damaging way. Some people function better in spurts of high energy with longer breaks between, and that’s the energy I’m getting for this month for this group. Y’all are big on wrapping up some goals and though you’re pooped, you also want to enter winter feeling like you accomplished all you wanted to.

Gemini rising folks Sagittarius rules the 7th house for you, Gemini rising peeps. So, this month, you’ll find an expansion in relationships and how you interact with others on a committed level (this could be work relationships, business partnerships, or romantic and platonic long term relationships. With the eight of pentacles here, and the eclipses happening, you’re likely to feel a lot more connected to the people who you value and who you’ve grown with in this last year. On that same note, if there’s already some disconnect, and nothing is done to address it, it’s going to feel ten times wider come the end of Sagittarius season. Take the full moon and eclipse in your sign on the 30th seriously and harvest the good things in your life. Honor it and move into Winter with a much better grasp on who you need to invest energy and time into.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22) - Queen of pentacles

Cancer, this month you’re going to feel proud of all you do for those around you and all you have changed in your life to give back to yourself. The Queen of Pentacles is a quiet manifesting energy. It’s one about seeing potential, knowing how to nurture it, and then watching everything bloom without force, without pressure. This season, I feel like this card is appearing to tell you that you’re right where you need to be spiritually, and that sometimes, you need to just sit with your energies and your growth and acknowledge how far you’ve come. You’re leaps and bounds ahead of where you thought you’d be. Maybe you connect with your guides in a way you never dreamed possible. Maybe you’re reading tarot for yourself so thoroughly now that it feels like second nature, whatever the case, take some time to honor yourself for what you’ve learned and how you continue to grow.

Cancer rising bebes, Sagittarius runs your sixth house, my moon bbs so this means that this zodiac season is going to be all about adding breadth and expansion to your daily routines. Where do you need more freedom? Where do you need to give yourself time and patience? Are you enjoying the routines you’ve built for yourself, Cancer? Do you feel grounded and connected and healthy? If not, what is within your power to change? Can you find an affordable therapeutic option so that you have a space to move through your emotions? Can you find a way to move your body while staying safe? Can you add a new form of relaxation that feeds your soul? The Queen of Pentacles is asking you to take the nurturing energy you normally save for others and turn it towards yourself. What do you need to change to honor and parent yourself?

Leo (July 23 - August 21) - Temperance

Ahhh, yessss, I like this card for you Leo, especially after the card you had last month. This season ushers in a change of pace with your card, the card of balance. This is a card too though about shooting for the stars and then pulling back and readjusting as you start to make the journey. This month, Leo, take some time to assess where you still need to change. Where you have changed. Some of you are beginning to make changes after Scorpio season and learning that you don’t want to continue down the path you were on. It’s ok to be a bit overly ideal this month, but lean into the “why” of your dreams to help you remain grounded and to find a path to achieve what you want. I’m seeing that relationships are shifting for a lot of you but it’s not because of anything outside of you, mostly because of what you’re changing internally. If this rings true, take some time to think about how you shifted. Was it a mindset? Was it a way of reacting? Whatever is working, keep doing it. Whatever isn’t working. Change it as you see fit.

Leo rising folks, Sagittarius rules over your fifth house which is such a fun placement. This month is going to bring a bit of positivity for you. You’re likely feeling a boost in the things you want to create. So many ideas are flying out, and that’s part of the fun of Sagittarius season. Don’t feel as though you absolutely have to act on any of them. If you wish to, go ahead, but I suggest leaning into the energy of inspiration more than anything. As ideas pop up, write them down. Allow yourself to dream and visualize before trying to think about how it will work. Write down how the dreams make you feel, especially. As you work on manifesting things later on, those feelings will serve like a compass needle, pointing you towards what you need to adjust.

Virgo (August 22 - September 23) - Queen of Wands

This is a good card for you Virgo. There is going to be a good deal of creative force behind what you do this month. It may come from an inner knowing, a deeper connection to your inner world, your intuition. It may come from the stars themselves. Whatever the case, this is a month for you to lean into any creative inspirations that come your way. Allow yourself less structured creative time. Allow yourself to move with new mediums. If you normally paint, try writing poetry this month. If you normally use tarot for divination, see how scrying works for you. This is a month of understanding that creativity and inspiration comes from within you, not externally depending on the tool you use.

Virgo rising folks, Sagittarius rules the fourth house in your chart, lovelies. This means, this month is going to be about feeling a deeper heart connection to your home and all that reside within it. This could be blood family or family by choice. Lean into that energy. It’s been a wild year and though we’re heading into a major holiday season, so many other holidays have also already happened with all that’s happening. So if home, for you, exists outside of the physical residence, find a way to feed into the home of your choosing whether that’s via zoom dinners, Netflix watch parties, or playing games virtually. Spend time with the people who feel like home and let yourself realize how deep of a connection you can have even when people aren’t right in front of you.

Libra (September 24 - October 23) - The Magician Rx

This zodiac season is all about reconnecting to your innate power, to your ability to create, to trust in yourself once again. I feel that people in this group, who are reading this, may have faced some recent disappointments, maybe they were things you tried to manifest that didn’t come to fruition. Maybe it was an almost win that fell through at the end. Whatever the case, don’t fret too much. You have the power. But sometimes spell work, magic, hopes, dreams, don’t go exactly according to our plan. Sometimes there are better ways for us to get the feelings that we’re after, the true hopes we have. Remember your power lies within you and that you can also develop a deeper connection to the power outside of you (the plants, the planets, the spirits, God, etc). What do you normally do to remind yourself what a badass you are? Lean into that.

Libra rising folks, Sagittarius rules your third house, and with the Magician in reverse for you this month, I think this is a card about realizing that you have more power than you know to affect your community. Maybe you realize how much change needs to happen in your city and in the space around you, but you’ve been feeling overwhelmed with how much needs to change. This season, take active steps to create change. Think about what you could do to give back to others. How can you provide for those who have less than you? Sagittarius is an ideal sign, so lean into your own inner idealism. If you can give financially, do that. If you can cook and safely deliver meals to those who need it, try that out. If you can volunteer in some capacity to help neighbors who can’t leave their home, do that. You’ll find you have a lot more power than you know when you start with what you can do instead of thinking about all the things you cannot do.

scorpio (October 24 - November 22) - 10 of pentacles

After your season, Scorpio, I’m so happy this card came up for you. This tells me that a lot of you used your zodiac season as an opportunity to create a good deal of change for yourselves, and because of that, you’ve found yourself at the end of a cycle. You’re blossoming in new ways and sprouting and it’s bringing with it a sense of ease that feels unexpected and surprising. I think this month may be less about having more energy and more about the relaxation that comes after feeling like you’ve reached a big milestone. If your body, your mind, or your spirit asks you to rest in some way, nourish it in some way, give in. Honor yourself and the point you’ve reached this month.

Scorpio rising, Sagittarius rules the second house for you, the house of values and how you honor your values around you. This card tells me that this is going to be a month where you may want to focus on putting in energy into the space around you. Are you holding on to things that only bring you painful memories? Are you allowing things to pile up around your home and choosing not to clean even though you know it makes you feel a bit down in the dumps. If you’re actively ignoring what you need to do for yourself, now is the month to change that. I’m not saying make ALL of the changes overnight, but I do think your home space needs more attention. I think you’ll find, once you put a little bit of energy into it, you’ll feel a bit better about the space you’re inhabiting. Maybe find some new artwork or lighting that makes it feel cozy as we move into Winter.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) - Judgement

I always find it fascinating when cards like this one, or death, or the tower come up for a sign in its solar return, but it totally makes sense. Just like anyone else near their solar return, this season is going to be about pondering all that you’re carrying forward and all that you’re leaving behind. You’re at a crossroads, and know that you still have some things you want to change before you head into the next year, but you’re not entirely sure how to do it. A few of you are going back and forth, pondering ending relationships, others are considering changing your entire career path. Whatever you’re thinking of doing, just know this. You’re never to old to chase after a dream. You’re never to young to know what you want. You’re rarely asking for too much (and those that are asking for too much typically don’t care to think about it this way). Finally, you’re never truly as “behind” as you feel like you are. Wherever you want to go, in your next year, move forward with trust in yourself and make the changes you’ve been holding out on making.

Sagittarius rising people, this is your first house season, so you’re likely navigating elements related to your identity and how you express yourself in the world. Some of you might be facing big identity crises this month. Well, they may not be crises but they might feel like it. It might be that you’re considering how you express your gender, and wanting to experiment with it. Maybe some of you are changing your religion or questioning what you know about what you believe in. Others might be feeling as though they’re seeing themselves in a completely new way. Lean into that energy this month, especially as we face the next two eclipses. I think you’ll find these will push you through transformations.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) The Empress Rx

You’ve been denying yourself of desires Cappy, and this month is about flipping this card right side up and leaning into what your body wants. What do you want as a sensual being? Are you giving these things to yourself? Are you allowing yourself the tasty treats you long for? Are you allowing yourself pleasures of touch? If not, ask yourself why not. Does this stem from issues of self esteem or self worth? Are you too exhausted from pushing to allow yourself nourishing things at the end of the day? Before heading into your season, I think this is a good time to think about how you want to kick off Capricorn season. Start implementing methods of treating yourself like the royalty that you are. What can you change? What is within your power? What can you cut back on so you have time and energy to lean into lush sensory pleasures, whatever it looks like to you.

Capricorn rising peeps, Sagittarius rules the twelfth house for you. This is the house that I like to call the enmeshment house. This is all about being absorbed by the universe and absorbing the universe into you. I think this card is popping up for y’all as a reminder of boundaries: energetic and mundane. What does protective magic look like to you? What feeling comes up when you read the word boundary? Do you have an easy time setting both energetic and mundane boundaries? If not, consider why you haven’t placed energy and time into this. Ask yourself what changes you can make to be loved the way you deserve via boundaries.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19) - ten of wands rx

Aquarius, this month, ask yourself if you’re choosing to take on more than you can handle. Just to reiterate, I’m not talking about systematic issues that are outside of your control, but about the projects you assign yourself, the tasks you take on at home, the standards you set for yourself. I’m getting that Sagittarius season is about letting loose in some ways and allowing yourself to not live up to wild standards any more. Sometimes we set goals for ourself that are helpful and needed, but other times we shoot to have too much done too soon and these hopes and ideals and responsibilities become burdens and we forget that we do not need to continue holding ourselves to the same standards. Especially with the pressures of COVID, the recent election, and the holiday season approaching. If your standards need to shift so you don’t feel so weighed down, then let it all shift.

Aquarius rising friends, Sagittarius rules the eleventh house in your chart. This means that this season is about expanding beyond your comfort zone in relation to how you move in society. Are you feeling like you want to expand your friendship circle, but feel like there’s no way for you to do that? Are you wanting to have a stronger presence in your career path, but don’t know how to step out and be bold? So much of what you want is now becoming a weight, hanging over you. Write down these hopes for yourself to get them out of your head, and focus on only one at a time. Don’t worry, you can come back to the rest later. But for now, the important thing is getting it out and on paper so you can let yourself breathe without the weight of all of these hopes.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20) - the tower rx

Ah, Pisces, this card is telling you that it’s important to use Sagittarius fire to help you embrace the changes you’re refusing to make. It might be that you’re thinking too much about how you actually want things to be that you’re refusing to see what needs to go. Sometimes, when you’re in the midst of change, you spend too much time longing after the things that are falling apart that you don’t even realize there’s a whole new world of possibility and fresh ground under all that change. This month, use the eclipses to propel you through change. Let go of the reigns. What have you refused to let go of that you need to drop? What have you held back from embracing that you know is calling to you? Chances are, as you read this, you know what you need to shift.

Pisces rising people, Sagittarius rules your tenth house so some of you might be navigating career changes and how you move within your professional life. You are going through the motions, falling into a rhythm and a patter that doesn’t really make you happy and Scorpio season helped you realize this. Now that we are in Sagittarius season, you need to do more than just accept that you’re not happy. You’re not meant to just be “okay” so this season, focus on following your heart and letting the cookie crumble as it will. If you’re being guided to show up in your career in new ways, lean into that. If you’re being asked to pull back how much energy you put into your work, do that. You likely know what you want to shift in regards to your career, so do it!



If you enjoyed this and want to support my work and help me continue to provide free readings and such, feel free to donate here or donate via Venmo (@Brujerias). You can also support the Etsy shop. I'm offering Tarot readings again via PDF/email and am now offering In-depth Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign Readings for $44 too!


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