Pisces Season Tarotscopes


The Sun entered the sign of Pisces on 2/18 at about 2:45am PST and will remain there until 3/20 at about 2:45am PST.

Pisces rules over the twelfth house traditionally. This is the house of all things unseen: psychic abilities, the spirit realm, dreams, secrets, collective unconscious. I also like to think of this house as a portal of sorts marking the ways we drown ourselves to the world around us, and the ways the world is consumed by us.


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AHHHH IT’S PISCES SEASON. So, I actually don’t have anything in the Pisces sign in my chart, but I hella identify with the Pisces aspects of my charts. For starters, Pisces rules my ninth house and if we’re using traditional rulership (which I do now) then the Pisces ruler, Jupiter, is in my first house and totally shows why my constant search for wisdom, my expansiveness in how many different fields of study I undertake, is so interwoven in my way of being.

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Pisces Season Tarotscopes

Side note, I am now only writing one version of the horoscope. I’m going to try to take out the house chat while letting it still influence the discussion. So feel free to read for your Sun sign if you don’t know your rising, but it is best to read for your rising.


Aries and Aries rising - Death

Aries, this month, the death card asks you how many deaths of self you’ve faced this last year. How many deaths have you been forced to go through and how many did you try to deny from happening even if you knew it was for the best? It’s okay to not want to let go of who you were, there’s fear in stepping into the unseen, into unknown spaces, but Aries, this season, you’re being encouraged to lose yourself in the unknown, let what needs to die, die, and move forward free of the weight of those expectations. This could be related to so many things, work, love, friendships, even just letting go of who you used to be. We’ve all changed in the year of quarantine/self-isolation here in the US and maybe through it all you’ve learned new things about yourself. When the death card comes up, we’re always in the midst of facing change on some new level, but it’s always change that needs to happen even if it’s rough during it all.

Taurus - Ace of Wands

Taurus, this is a time of feeling revived with your community and your close friendships. From a business standpoint, whatever new projects you start now, have the potential to bring fruitful results and instill a new sense of drive within you. It might also be time for you to follow a spiritual passion and form a group or join a group that incorporates your spiritual passion. Whatever you’re thinking of starting this Pisces season, this card encourages you to go for it. Find the people around you who are most encouraging and share your thoughts with them, reach out and try to gauge interest in whatever project you may want to start if it’s professional. If it’s a purely personal project you’re interested in, consider turning it into a social event so you can connect with others who are like-minded and have similar passions.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21) - The Fool

Gemini, there’s an adventure of newness in terms of your career, maybe this is a sense of feeling renewed in your passions, maybe it’s not even about “career” but about all you want to leave behind — your legacy. Maybe you finally feel like you have an inspired idea of what “you’re here to do,” or a better sense of it. Whatever the case, the fool card is popping up asking you to embody curiosity and to not let doubt, fear, or guilt stop you from following the inspirations that arise. We all work in cycles and the fool card symbolizes that you’re at the start of a new journey and a new cycle and the best way to work with this energy is to let it lead you forward without thinking too far ahead. Of course, we all have to be responsible, but you can do that and have faith in what you’re doing. You can commit to your inspirations without giving everything else up.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22) - the magician

Cancer, you have what you need to create the life you want, but getting everything you want takes time and practice and focus and many tools. So, as the magician does, make this pursuit your lifelong journey. Look to your tools (the wand - your spirit, the chalice - your heart, the athame - your logic, the pentacle - your surroundings) to help you decide what course of action to take this season. Maybe it’s a small but focused step forward, maybe it’s a big shift, whatever it is for you, do it knowing you have the magic you need within you. Remember that it isn’t always large choices that make a difference but small and focused shifts building towards the larger legacy.

Leo (July 23 - August 21) - King of swords

Leo, baby! This season is all about taking control of all that air energy that moved through your 7th house and the lessons that it brought. How can you use these new skills in communication and in processing to improve the way you approach debt and finances? How can you use it to transform the way you communicate internally with yourself? When one house gets a lot of action, it inadvertently carries over into the house that follows and affects all the other houses at least a tiny bit. The King of Swords is here to tell you that you’ve gone through the ringer a bit with your thought processes and lessons in how to adequately set boundaries and communicate, and now that you have you can reap the rewards. Be mindful however that you don’t rely on this part of your skill set too much. Though the King is the master of the suits, they can also find themselves in this suit, being a bit too detached and cool.

Virgo (August 22 - September 23) - Ace of pentacles rx

Virgo, this season, mundane matters are weighing you down and part of that is both a refusal to acknowledge what the next step is that you need to take, and another part of that is an inability to pull yourself back to the attention of your dreams. I’m getting the sense that there is much more focus being placed on what others are doing around you and how they are not acting in line with what you need, so much so that you’ve stopped taking action in the ways that you can take action. This is a card of holding back and stifling yourself and based on where pisces season transits in your chart, it’s clear that it’s connected in some way to your partnerships whether at work, in romance, or through evny of your enemies (as in you might be envious of them and/or worried you cannot reach the level of people you admire). With recognition however, comes the option to move forward in a new way. If you have been holding yourself back via focusing on others, why are you avoiding looking within? What are you so afraid of right now?

Libra (September 24 - October 23) - The Sun rx

Libra, though the Sun card doesn’t always reference the sun itself, in this reading, my spirits are like “the sun, that’s it.” So, what I’m getting here is quite literally that your daily routine is lacking sunlight and all the things that the sunlight brings. Look, I live in an apartment I don’t love, in a city where no one wears masks especially in our complex, so I get how tough it is to access Sunlight in some places. Pisces season highlights your daily routine and in this case, how you can work more lightness, more sun, more heat, into your life. For those who only have a little bit of access to sunlight, maye consider developing a relationship with Calendula. I find this flower to be really healing. I’ve been making infusions with Calendula and cornsilk lately that have made it feel like the lil sun in me is growing. Check with your own health conditions and for contraindications and all that before trying however. Another very easy tip is to open your blinds or curtains before going to sleep, that way you kind of start waking up with the sunlight too. If you’re safely able to, trying to take walks outside more often may help as well.

scorpio (October 24 - November 22) - Queen of Wands

Scorpio the queen of wands is here to reminder you to bring a little joy and creativity into your spiritual practice. Maybe you’ve pulled away from doing daily tarot card pulls, maybe you used to do more spellwork, maybe you feel more disconnected than ever from your spirit team. Have you thought that it might be time to change your approach? If you’re feeling like your spirituality has been lacking a little bit, remember that you are the Queen or the Matriarch of Wands. You have the power to shift the way you use your gifts and how you share your magic in the world. Maybe learn more about other practices that are open to you. Maybe begin letting your spirits guide you. If you’re too focused on doing things the “right” way, sometimes that can be a hint that you need to let your spirits guide you and trust in the process more. There are some things that should be done a specific way, but things like divination, self love kind of workings, magic as art, can easily be made your own.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) - King of cups

Pisces season asks you to honor your heart for all it has lived through and all the ways it has strengthened. Though healing is a lifelong journey, you have reached a point in your healing journey where it is time to begin turning your attention to those around you. This might look like making an effort to actively heal your ancestors in new ways. If you’ve been learning and studying more about herbs, are you using them in offering for your ancestors? If you’re doing spells, are you also doing spells to heal your family and friends (with consent of course)? How can you take the healing you’ve experienced and start directing your attention to your roots and your family? Pisces season is about beginning the ascent from deep within the earth and from your private self.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) eight of swords

I love this card because it has a french bulldog on it and it stands for the Canis Major constellation which also holds the Sirius star. In this deck, this card doesn’t hold the same energy as other RWCS inspired decks. In this deck, the dog sits above the 8 swords each facing down. This is about standing strong after being wounded. This is about knowing that you can and will move forward, sometimes because there is no other option, other times because the only other options would be so much more harmful. Cap, this card is asking you to lean on your community, to reach out and ask for help in the ways you need it. While some friends may not have the capacity, they may be able to do something or offer support in some kind of way. When we work towards a more equitable future, we work towards communicating both our needs and our capabilities. If you need something ask for it, if your close friends and community cannot provide that, then hopefully they can offer something else. As you move forward from this part of your journey, keep these lessons in mind for the future.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19) - Four of cups

Aquarius, Pisces season asks you to keep your mind and heart open to new opportunities. This card signals that you may be so focused on the things that haven’t worked out that you might be missing out on some brilliant things! When Venus moves into this sign later in the month, you may feel more open and find new opportunities pop up, but you’ll see this a lot more when Jupiter moves into this house later in the year. This card signals that there is something you’re either not willing to see, or more specifically, something you can’t see because of where your focus is directed. If you do manifestation work this season, try focusing less on specific “hows” and more on what it feels like to have what you need. Keep your mind open as well. Where Pisces rules in your chart points to looking at your money in a mild way and your values. Use this season as an opportunity to explore your relationship to money and values especially when Venus moves here.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20) - nine of swords rx

It is your season, Pisces, and the nine of swords is pointing to using this season as a time to focus on healing. When Jupiter crosses into this sign in Taurus season, you’ll feel much more uplifted and healed (also depending on the rest of your chart however). Aside from looking forward to that positive transit, this card points to a denial of what you really need, a denial of how you’re feeling. What have you been suppressing willingly? Look, I know that we sometimes have to ignore our need for rest because we absolutely have to be there for others or because we have to enter survival mode, but if there are things you’re doing, like taking on multiple hobbies or hustles because you are avoiding staying still, or because you’re afraid of what will happen if you say no to someone, then it is time to stop being afraid of asking for and demanding what you need. This is your season and with Pisces ruling your first house, it is an important time to consider, as the sun crosses this path, how you express your identity and your needs in the world.



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