July 2020 Tarotscopes

Hi all! I have a new offering that I'd like to implement going forward. I've been deepening my astrology knowledge for the last 5 or so years and I feel ready to begin offering some astrology gifts. To begin with, I'd like to share monthly Tarotscopes!

So, July 2020 is a big month. We have an eclipse coming on July 5th. We are in Mercury retrograde, and we recently had Venus station direct. On top of that, Mars is in Aries (it's home sign) which is a good thing but can bring about some friction and warrior like attitude. It will cause you to wonder where you are being called to be a warrior and where you are being called to be a logical fighter by stepping down and waiting it out

There are a shit ton of swords and reversed cards in this reading, but this is actually super common in Mercury retrograde. Take what works for you and leave the rest!

Right now, we have four other major planets in retrograde as well: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto. This is going to push us to grow in a very large way. But if you resist these changes you're likely to face a bit of backlash. For those of you connected to your ancestors, know that they too are pushing for growth and will continue to do so in whatever way they need you to grow.

Tarotscopes for July 2020

On a personal level, you’ll want to look at where Cancer falls in your birth chart to see which house is most affected by the Cancer season. Overall, however, Cancer rules the fourth house which is the house of family, home, foundation, and parents. It can also be related to digging in roots, connecting to lost and found lineages. So these themes will be prevalent around you alongside which house this sign is in, in your personal chart. So, consider this as you move forward.

Questions to consider as you read these:

Sun sign: What is my driving force this month? What do I need to focus on in my overall journey?Moon sign: Where is my heart emotionally? How will this influence the coming month?Rising sign: How can I contribute to the to my self, my home/family, and the world that is my home?


March 21 - April 20

Reversed Strength and Reversed Hanged Man

There is a sense of pause and transitions. You’re feeling disconnected from your core self and what you most want to be doing in the world. You’re being asked to have patience right now— with yourself and with those around you. In this deck, the Strength card is ruled by Leo. But in reverse you’re finding yourself reaching for a new source of inner strength. You need to reach deep and find what will help you move through these trials. In these difficult moments, you need to know your strength is not going to be found around you but within. As powerful as you might feel on your best days, this month may come with a bit of an inner burden. But this is nothing but a phase. July will bring you new revelations about what you most want out of life, but it will only come from accepting any dark feelings you’ve been trying to ignore. You cannot move forward without accepting your shadow self and understanding the lessons it is trying to impart on you. This will be a month of many revelations.


April 21 - May 21

The Empress and Reversed Nine of Cups

This is a time to relish in the beauty that surrounds you. You need to look around and seek out delight in your life (if you need help I always recommend reading Ross Gay’s The Book of Delights as he has a way of depicting the simplest and silliest things as joys while also holding sorry. But, aside from this tangent, this is genuinely a time for you to settle in and learn to be more receptive. July is a time of great inspiration for you. You’re seeking out more creativity in the world around you, and it’s about time! Use this drive for inspiration and creativity to propel you to make the changes you need to make. With the Nine of Cups in reverse I get the sense that, though there may be blessings that have just arrived or are coming in, you still feel a little bit empty. This is why you need to seek out joy. You need to find what is actually really fulfilling you and use it to guide you. Change up your life as needed. Only in doing this, can you reach for that authentic fulfillment you so crave.


May 22 - June 21

Reversed Seven of Wands and Reversed Ten of Swords

Wowza! Y’all got a lot on your minds this month. I think everyone does, but there seems to be a lot in the air for you and some major decisions where you’re going back and forth between the heart of the matter and the logic of it, and failing to actually follow through either way. You might even have additional pressure from those around you. And I can see that’s it’s weighing heavy on your heart. For those who are facing pushback from loved ones, this is a sign to feel free to push back as well. Don’t just let people force you into decisions you’re not ready to make or don’t want to make. I know shit is rough for y’all in this group. But the truth is, with the ten of swords, you’ve reached the end of a really hard period. Even if it’s rock bottom, there is no way out but through it all, right? You can pick yourself up and move through this in July. But you have to take action. You cannot stay put and rely on someone else to get you through it. You got you and that is more than enough. If you can and feel connected to, call on your ancestors for strength. Some of us have ancestors who have been through rough shit and came out stronger than ever. You will make it through and July will be a turning point only if you also take action.


June 22 - July 22

Reversed Princess of Swords and Reversed King of Wands

Happy Sun return, y’all! I hope you’re doing your best to have safe birthdays in all of this pandemic mess if you choose to celebrate. On to the tarotscope! You’re being asked to look at the ways in which you communicate. Isolation and the sense of doom around us (the fall of capitalism, the rise of rightful protests and demands for change, and the fear of an illness we have yet to understand) has placed us all in a very animalistic state and those of you in this group are likely feeling your emotions hella triggered and may be, as such, lashing out or using your words in a way that is not true with your healthy self. The Princess of Swords in this card is represented by Persephone (in her shadow and false myths) we understand her to be a prisoner both to her lover and her mother. But when she stands in her power she reigns over spring and the Underworld. (Sorry, Persephone is one of my many loves). You need to reign in that tongue and use it wisely. Persephone is royalty, right? Like she is wise about how she moves forward and understands that every action has a reaction. When paired with the King of Wands in reverse, I understand, y’all are just trying to get through the day and move towards something. But none of that will be meaningful if you change and fall too far into your shadow self or hurt the people you care about. Be mindful of the power of language. Slow down. See each thought as a moving cloud in your mind and try to give yourself space between thinking and reacting. Not every thought comes from your strong and whole self.


July 23 - August 22

Reversed Ten of Wands and Reversed Three of Cups

You feel as though you are losing people you are close to. Perhaps you haven’t found a way to maintain contact how you’d like, or you’ve simply grown apart from people because you’ve changed. There is a lot of fire energy with the reversed ten of wands, and it's a fire that is kind of out of your control. July will bring for you much needed change by burning away what doesn’t suit you. Though this can be a bit painful, you are Leo’s after all, and you do well in the heat. These small and large losses in relationships are not necessarily without purpose. I get the sense that you’ll be on a bit of a journey in July. It might be a physical journey (heading outdoors to a trail nearby or a spring), or a journey to see someone close to you. Be safe if you do connect with others and ensure you’re both doing your best to isolate. Keep in mind, that if you feel you’re becoming disconnected from people who feel important to you, there are ways to maintain the connection even when you cannot see each other. It just means you need to find new ways to do so. On a personal note, my sister who hasn’t been able to visit, is able to do video cooking time with our grandmother. My grandmother is not much of a phone talker, but she makes time for these video chats because it’s something she too wants to share with my sister. Find ways and be willing to participate in things the person you fear losing enjoys.


August 23 - September 23

Reversed Five of Swords and Reversed Two of Cups

July brings with it a sense of forgiveness and acceptance. There may have been people you were butting heads with in the last month, but the reversed five of swords is showing you that you realize sometimes battles come with costs and you are willing to compromise on some matters more than others if it means finding peace again. If you feel that the tensions with those around you aren’t easing up, the two of cups reversed is asking you to bring it up—but to do so from a place of love and kindness. You cannot reach a resolution without addressing the issue. July will cause you to think more deeply about what you really are willing to settle for in exchange for other benefits. On another note, be mindful of keeping balance. You may be starting to lose yourself to an old vice or in a part of your life while also forgetting and ignoring other important things. This month is a good time for you to really think about how you allocate your energy and time. One thing I periodically like to do is to keep an hour-log of how I spend a week. Where is my energy going? If this seems helpful, try it out. If you find that you are not happy with how much time you spend cooking, or how much time you spend on social media, find ways to cut back those hours. Do it for you: to regain some sense of equilibrium even if the world around you feels so out of whack.


September 24 - October 23

The World and Reversed Ace of Cups

The World card is represented by Saturn, a wise old man holding a scythe watching the wheel of the celestial bodies spin in front of him. July is asking you to be aware of all the changes and growth you have gone through and to recognize all the good it has brought you. Do not diminish any pain that has come with it but recognize that it has all (even if only partially) led to the joys you have now. July brings with it a sense of inner and outer world connecting in a new way. You have the ability to cut through false ideas and recognize the truths within and outside of you. But just because you’ve reached the end of this cycle doesn’t mean you need to start all over. Use this closing card as a sign that you can move forward through change with wisdom. With this wisdom comes responsibility. The Ace of Cups is showing that there has been a period of pain and perhaps a period of feeling blocked. It might be creatively or it might have to do with expressing yourself in another way. Regardless, Saturn is telling you that you have the wisdom you need to move forward from this. July will bring you a renewed self. A part of you that you need to call forth. Remember, we all have our facets. July is a time to let the expressive part of you out. If you’ve been pondering on picking up a new hobby or art project, now is a good time to kick your own ass into gear and let yourself unleash.


October 24 - November 22

Prince of Swords and The Emperor

July is bringing forth a burst of ideas and projects. You know what you need to do and what you want to do but it’s all coming in chaotically. Embrace the chaos. Find ways to channel that energy down onto paper, into your computer, on your phone, or some other way. Just get it out of your head and somewhere you can reference later. There’s a great deal of change that you are ready to make, but you’ll need to channel the Emperor’s sense of control to really be able to follow through on it. If others question you and your choices do not feel doubtful of it. But find a way to record it before the swift thoughts leave you. Now, do not let this swiftness blind you to the reality and logic of what you want to manifest and create. Let your mind go wild, but then also find time to plan out ways to implement the changes you wish to make and kickstart the ideas you have. July will be a month that will help you move towards some of your long term goals and dreams that you most wish to achieve. However, the Prince of Swords and Mercury retrograde are also here. So do not jump to quickly into a new job, into a contract, or a volunteer role without knowing full well that it is in line with your goals and your heart. Think major decisions clearly, but allow all of your inspirations the space they want in your heart and mind.


November 23 - December 21

Four of Swords and Princess of Pentacles

This month is going to be one of reflection and retreat. July will help you discover aspects of yourself, softness within you that you've forgotten. If you have practices that you follow on the dark moon, I would amp it up and include them more throughout the month. The dark moon is a time to sit with self, to be still in the darkness, and really listen to your thoughts. It is a time of manifestation, as the Princess of Pentacles suggests. But manifestation doesn’t always look like push-push-push-action, sometimes it’s simply about daydreaming. In July, you will need to allow yourself more time for rest, relaxation, and dreaming. Your body and your mind are begging for moments of healing so that you can really plant the seeds you most wish to plant in your life. You need to reevaluate what nourishes you and give in to those needs. July is your treat yourself month. Your heart, your body, your mind need it.


December 22 - January 20

We had a jumper here, so Cappy's get three cards. Reversed Queen of Swords, Judgement, and Eight of Swords.

Y’all are carrying some heavy emotions. The reversed Queen of Swords is trying to tell you that in July, you are being asked to really feel out which of these emotions are responses to triggers and which are true. There’s a bit of resentment in this group, and you might be isolating and hiding yourself away because of it. When paired with Pluto (Judgment), you have to really look at your own responsibility in past actions, and accept things and move forward. Shadow work is a wonderful focus for your July as it will help you get to the core of your emotions. Yes, all emotions are valid, but not all emotions are true responses. I hope that makes sense? If we are afraid, that feeling exists, but sometimes we feel fear driven by a past hurt in a situation where we are not actively being hurt. Shadow work will help you find those triggers, find the root of your emotions, and emerge from the experience with more authority and power. If you are feeling caught in the victim role, these cards are encouraging you to remove the blindfold and look in the mirror. You have all the power you need to pull yourself through the roughest of moments. But you cannot rely solely on your heart to do it for you. You need to rely on your body and your mind too. Let those two other parts of you help you through this. Move the pain through your body in whatever ways you can (rest, stretching, dancing, gardening). Let your mind help you discern your triggers and how to best respond to them. If you consider yourself a brujx, a witch, or a magical folk, remember that you do have power to institute some change. Decide how you want to do it.


January 21 - February 19

Eight of Pentacles Reversed and Seven of Swords Reversed

This month you need to focus on grounding yourself more. You’ve been skirting by perhaps in work matters or financial matters in a way that has been rather lucky. But you need to really assess where you are lacking responsibility and where you can make changes. Be especially mindful of your spending this July and during retrograde. Don't make any huge purchases without really thinking it through, and carefully track packages if you order any. This card holds the image of a centaur shooting an arrow. You have the knowledge of how to attain what you want, but you need to retain hold on the steps that are needed. With the seven of swords reversed, you need to find new ways to move through your day and your life. If you want help, you must take action and seek out resources for this help. Speak to the people closest to you about your needs or if you lack clarity about a situation ask them for their opinions as well. People who truly care for you will be honest when you need it.


February 20 - March 20

Justice and The Lovers

You are at a crossroads and this month will especially put a focus on your relationships with your family and loved ones. July will bring with it the opportunity to both grow the relationships with those around you while also developing the relationship to your self. But you are being asked to truly consider your role in the relationships you play. When are you putting the blame on others and where do you need to take responsibility? July will bring some ease to some difficulties in the relationships around you, especially given that Venus has now gone direct. But it will require work on your end. You need to seek balance more than anything in how you communicate, how your care, how you give and take, and the ways in which you give yourself quiet alone time and time with others.

~~If you enjoyed this and want to support my work and help me continue to provide free readings and such, feel free to click the link that says "Buy me a Coffee" to donate a coffee or a few to me. You can also support the Etsy shop, or reach out for individual readings.~~

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