Gemini Season Tarotscopes


The Sun enters the sign of Gemini on 5/20 at about 12:45pm PST and will remain there until 6/20 at about 8:45pm PST.

Gemini is associated with the third house which holds themes of connection, sharing ideas, exchanging knowledge, messaging and writing, and more. The third house is all about community and neighborhood, how we form connection with the land and folks around us.


Gemini season is here. So we have a lot going on this season! Wherever Gemini is in your natal chart will be where a lot of movement and changes take place this season. We have mercury stationing retrograde in Gemini, we will have Venus remaining in Gemini through early June before it moves into Cancer. We also have the first lunar eclipse of the season taking place in Sagittarius, which brings even more attention to that axis of Sagittarius and Gemini. Meaning Gemini season will also highlight your Sagitarrius house as well. If you have a lot of natal planets in Sagittarius or in Gemini, you will also have planets making aspects to those points in your natal chart. Let’s dive into the readings!

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Gemini Season Tarotscopes


Aries and Aries rising - Price of Pentacles Rx

Aries rising, Gemini rules over your third house, and Sagittarius rules over your ninth house. So the themes of the god and goddess, along with your connection to things that are in your proximity (your community), your connection to your spirituality, and your journey towards wisdom will all be highlighted this season. The third house is also referred to as the house of the goddess, which I attribute to being really connected to the land around you. I think this card is asking you to move with more precision, with steadiness, to be gentle with your speed, and not demand more of the body than is necessary. This is a call to slow down, to be mindful and careful especially because Gemini in your chart rules over local transportation. So be mindful of giving yourself extra time to get places, to get things mailed and delivered, etc. With Mercury stationing retrograde in this sign and with the eclipse happening in opposition to this, I can definitely see delays happening. The Knight of Earth is a very patient card, in my opinion, but when it's reversed it is saying is that there may be a tendency this season towards impatiences. So try to pull yourself back, and flip the card right-side up by acting with patience, with balance, and move with precision.

Taurus - Princess of Pentacles

Taurus rising, Gemini rules over your second house and Sagittarius rules over your eighth house where you'll be having the lunar eclipse. This is definitely a season of looking at your finances, your money, and the income that you bring in. The eclipse especially will ask you to review how you connect with other folks to boost your income, and how you work with the resources that people provide you. Be mindful of contracts that you sign this season especially after Mercury stations retrograde. This applies more so to anything relating to finances, things that you apply for, debts you take on, etc. If there are applications you need to submit, if possible, I would say wait until Mercury stations direct maybe even after the shadow period passes. Otherwise, just allow a lot of extra time for looking over contracts and applications. especially because of the extra energy that we have going on. We do have Venus in Gemini still so you may see some things pull through and work themselves out but it will also depend on your natal chart and the planets, making aspects to anything in your natal chart. This card reminds you that this is a prime time for you to think about your finances, review your income, take a look at your budgets, and to start thinking about other ways you can bring in income. Whether this means learning more about investing, saving money, paying off debt, or things of that nature. This card could also be a call to begin putting in small steps to change your finances or shifting careers if that is something you’ve been thinking about. This is a planning time! Saturn is retrograde. Mercury will be retrograde. So this is a great time to think, to assess any plans you've already put in motion, and to go back to redirect, change, etc. Don't necessarily make any major changes or take any huge steps forward. Let this be an internal process for you.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21) - Princess of Swords

Gemini rising, this sign rules over your first house, of course, while Sagittarius rolls over your seventh house. The way you interact with the world will be highlighted. How you project and share your identity along with who you become when you enter relationships will be highlighted. The lunar eclipse may bring some shifts or ask you to explore the space of committed partnerships. So this is a good time, especially with the lunar eclipse, to let go of old versions of yourself. Get rid of things that only negatively remind you of who you were prior to your transformations. Also, if you have clothing from old relationships, things from old relationships that you've been meaning to get rid of but haven't, this is a good time to do that. Given that your first and seventh house will be highlighted, this card to me signifies that you may want to be mindful of language and how you express yourself, how you communicate. Allow yourself more time when you are communicating especially in moments of conflict. You’ll be more prone to saying things you don't mean just because you feel it at the moment or because you want to be hurtful out of anger. This card encourages you to add more breath in conflict so you can be mindful of your language and consider the weight words hold and the weapon your tongue can be.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22) - Ace of Pentacles Rx

Cancer risings, Gemini rules your twelfth and Sagittarius rules your sixth. Spirituality might be a really hot topic for you this season. I talk often about the sixth and the twelfth house axis relating to spirituality and how you make your daily tasks into a ritual. How do you allow the tasks you need to do to become prayer or ritual in some capacity. These are the themes that will pop up for you this season. The lunar eclipse will be taking place over your sixth house. So if you have any planets in your natal sixth house, those themes may be highlighted depending on the degrees. All of the Gemini action will be taking place in the 12th house, the house of the unseen. You may be navigating old and unconscious beliefs or old vices in some capacity. With Venus also being here, this season could be about planning things or putting things into motion that are behind the scenes and out of public view. With this card, the message is that of assurance that now is not necessarily the time to go in and start an entirely new venture. This is a time to think about all the things you have started this year and it is a time to reflect and see if there are any seeds that didn't sprout that need to be weeded out and being ok with that. This card is encouraging you to take your time before you move forward with things that you have started. Allow yourself to be a little bit more internal in this season. Twelfth house transits are tricky because it is the unseen but sometimes it can also be about evil eye thrown your way or enemies in some capacity as well. So keep things to yourself for the time being. Allow yourself to sit with them, to process your plans, before setting things in major public motion.

Leo (July 23 - August 21) - The Empress

Leo rising, Gemini rules over your 11th house and Sagittarius rules over your fifth. There may be some shifts in your larger network. This includes your patrons who support you, who support your art and your endeavors if you have a business or are an artist. You may find with Venus being here, that you get a little boost to your connections and may find building relationships comes more easily. Because mercury will be stationing retrograde in this sign, be mindful of making any commitments that you can't keep, especially while we're in the shadow period before we head into the retrograde. With the lunar eclipse taking place in your fifth house, If you're casually dating, some shifts might occur. This could also just be a revelatory time for your creativity if you are an artist or a creative person. So the lunar eclipse might be really insightful and I would encourage you to take some time on Wednesday to connect with the medium that you most often use. Explore what creativity even means to you. This card definitely affirms the energy of creativity, but also adds in the energy of nurturing. As you see shifts in your larger network, consider all the ways that that you nurture your network and that your network nurtures you. Are you in spaces that allow you to grow, to blossom, to thrive? Are you in spaces that feel more draining than they need to be? There are times I think where we have to be in spaces where we need to give, or we need to do things that we don't necessarily want to do—there has to be balance—. But more often than not, I think when this card comes up, it can be a call to reflect and to consider cutting ties to anything that is draining too much from you. With the 11th house being the house of patrons, if you are someone who has a small business, or who is a service provider, reflect on the relationship of energy exchange. How much content are you creating? Are you creating content that nurtures you and energizes you whether it's free content or not? Or is the free content things you feel like you have to do which is causing you to grow resentful. Just think about what lights you up. I think that's the key for you this season, Leo.

Virgo (August 22 - September 23) - The Star

Virgo rising, Gemini rules over your 10th house and Sagittarius rules over your fourth house so that axis of your most private inner world and your most public self will be highlighted this Gemini season. Venus will be moving through your 10th for a bit longer and Mercury will be stationing retrograde here, in your 10th House of public self, career, and the legacy you're creating. So if you're making shifts with your career and with your public image, reflect and be sure that the shifts you're making are ones that you're ready to put out—if it's something you want to be long-lasting, I would be mindful about putting out new things or making big shifts during a shadow period or during the retrograde itself. The Lunar Eclipse is taking place over your fourth house, so there could be transformation and some growth that happens within your home and with your family. This eclipse would be a good time to step back and just allow yourself space to receive messages from your ancestors specifically. I think this card is asking you to feed energy back into your ancestors, to consider adding in more of the things that your recent ancestors did into your spiritual practice, and into your daily life. What were things that you kind of laughed about or that you haven't connected to because it just didn’t feel like it was YOU. Consider adding more of those things into your life as a way to connect to your ancestors and as a way of feeding back into them. In this deck, the star is also linked to the sign of Aquarius. So this also makes me think about Saturn stationing retrograde in the sign of Aquarius over in your sixth house. Consider if you are giving enough of your day-to-day to your spiritual practice and to your rituals. Is there a way for you to allow ritual to become more embodied in your daily tasks?

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Libra (September 24 - October 23) - The Wheel Of Fortune

Libra rising Gemini rules over your ninth house and Sagittarius rules over your third house. So, the axis of the God and the Goddess will be highlighted. Your local network and community will be more highlighted by the lunar eclipse. All of the Gemini transits including Mercury stationing retrograde will take place over your ninth house which is concerned with themes of spirituality, knowledge, and wisdom. With the Wheel of Fortune, I think one of the larger messages here is to consider the cyclical process of learning, taking new information, digesting it, processing it, and then sharing it. This is specifically for spiritual service providers and content creators. Are you immediately regurgitating the things you learn? Are you allowing yourself time to digest and to process and reflect before you start sharing it? Are you giving yourself enough time to sit with information as a student before you become a teacher of these things? That's one aspect. The second part of this card is about reflecting on the cycle of energy exchange. How are you giving back to your local community? Are you sharing energy back to those within your smaller network as you receive it whether it be knowledge or money or resources?

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22) - the magician

Scorpio rising, Gemini rules over your eighth house and Sagittarius over your second house. Money matters will be highlighted and the lunar eclipse may help close up some loose ends related to income or smaller money matters. With Mercury's retrograde taking place over your eighth house, I would be very cautious about taking on new debt. Be mindful when you go to pay bills or move money between accounts and make sure you're not accidentally clicking “pay all” instead of just making the normal payment amount that you're intending to make. Give yourself more time with things related to money, especially other people's money, meaning debt, investments, etc. This is also a good time to think about the resources that you use from other people. Whose resources do you use? How do you work with them? In a lot of ways, I often talk about the eighth house as a very mundane house, but it is also a very transformational house. It does deal with matters of death, accidents, mental health matters, things of that nature. And I think with this card coming up and Mercury being a psychopomp (meaning they have the ability to go in and out of the underworld) I think that this season is about exploring the parts of you that have died. This is a time to go into your inner underworld or to begin unearthing aspects of yourself and reflecting on them. Sit with these hidden parts of you. Think about the transformations you want to experience along with exploring your finances. I would also encourage you to do more channeling and more communicating with your dead folk. I think there are messages that need to come through for you and I don't think you have allowed enough time for these messages to come in. Gemini energy can sometimes be vocal, very talkative. That’s part of the the archetype of Gemini: exchanging information, but I think with this card, you're being encouraged to listen and to absorb.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) - Seven of pentacles

Sagittarius rising, the lunar eclipse will be moving over your first house. Gemini rules over your seventh house as well. So the axis of the self and the other along with the themes of who we become in relationships, who we are outside of relationships, all of that is going to be highlighted. with mercury stationing retrograde over your seventh house. This is a good time to explore how you communicate in your committed partnerships. Whether this be related to business partnerships, committed romantic relationships, or even best friend type of relationships, be mindful of how you communicate in these spaces. Anything that comes up during the shadow period will be re-explored in retrograde. It might also be a good idea to explore unfinished business when mercury stations retrograde as this is a good time to go back and tie up conversations that were only briefly touched on earlier this year. This card is asking for patience and is asking you to take time to allow things to happen before trying to make more changes. Before asking for more or before you begin thinking you're unhappy in your relationships, take time to have compassion for the other person. This card is very much about standing back and assessing the growth that has happened within your relationships and within yourself through the training grounds of your relationships. How have your committed partnerships and friendships changed you? Who are you now versus who were you last Gemini season or who were you in Sagittarius season?

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) Prince of Wands

Capricorn rising, Gemini rules your sixth house and Sagittarius rules over your 12th house, that lunar eclipse will be taking place over your 12th house. I expect that to be a very spiritual and kind of monumental day for you and one that I would encourage you to allow yourself silence in and moments to be on your own when possible. ALSO do some protective workings. That's the message that's really coming through. In regards to Gemini, which rules over your sixth house. You have Venus there currently and it will be there for a little bit longer. Mercury will be stationing retrograde as well so Things may shift in your job or your work environment. You may also want to assess your routines like the things that you do day in and day out. What's your morning routine like? What's your bedtime routine like? Are you happy with it? Are both routines nourishing you and working with your inherent energy? What changes do you want to make and what changes can you make— that's going to be the highlight of the season for you. This card is definitely saying that you are at a point where you have the power to create the life that you want. This season will definitely remind you of that. It is also here to show you that the life you want will only be achieved through small shifts and through considering what you do day in and day out. I think this season is asking you to reflect on the power and the magic found in what you do each day

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19) - Justice Rx

Aquarius rising, Gemini rules over your fifth house and Sagittarius rules over your 11th. You may see some shifts taking place in your larger network and within the group of your patrons. The major transits happening this season with Gemini over your fifth house may have a lot to do with creativity and maybe even your dating life for some of you. I think you may find with Mercury stationing retrograde that those of you who are casually dating may feel a pressure to either end the relationship or become a bit more serious. Keep in mind, however, that you are not the only deciding factor even if you feel the pressure to push towards one thing. With this card. I think there is something here that y'all may not be wanting to acknowledge. I think that it may be connected to self-interest, and a desire to do what you most want to do, to follow your heart, to follow what lights you up, all of these things which are good things. I think we see these phrases a lot on spiritual Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc. but the thing we don't often talk about with this when we say all of these phrases is that sometimes, in pursuing what we most want to do or what most lights us up, we start ignoring what the people around us need. There is a balance that has to happen and I think for some of you, this card is pointing to a desire to follow only what feels good and not realizing that you're hurting people in the process. Whether this be that you cancel too often last minute, not because you need to cancel but because you decided that you wanted to do something else instead. Or this might just be about not taking others’ needs into consideration. So reflect on that and think about the things that you do for fun and your creative life. Are you perhaps following too much of the good vibes and hurting people in the process?.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20) - Nine of Pentacles

Pisces rising, Gemini rules over your fourth house and that's where most of the major transits are taking place. Sagittarius rules over your 10th house which is where the lunar eclipse will take place. The Eclipse may bring about some shift in your public image or your career. Maybe even a revelation about what you actually want to be doing. The Gemini transits will bring attention to your home, to your family line, your ancestors, and your family, as well. With Mercury stationing retrograde in the fourth house, this is definitely a season where you'll want to be mindful of how you engage in conflict in the home and with your family. I'm getting that this message is specifically about parental figures. If these are people that you easily argue with, try to allow more time between what they say and how you react. I think that there can be some— I'm getting the word cattiness— that comes up and it could lead to a larger argument that you don't really want to navigate long term. Try to allow more breath space in communication and in moments of conflict. This card is very much about the energy of patience especially around the lunar eclipse taking place over your 10th house. Don't make any drastic decisions about your career. Don't try to do any kind of major career or money magic that involves manifestation. In my opinion, this card is telling me that things are coming and if you start trying to shift things or force things, or push them, you're going to find that you end up shifting things in a negative way versus this just being a time where you need to embody an energy of patience.


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