August 2020 Tarotscopes
Your reaching a point this month where you'll gain even greater awareness of what really matters. The previous few months have brought disappointments and a deep sense of melancholy that made you question your path in life and whether you're where you really need to be. But babe, you're exactly where you need to be. You're moving in the right direction, but you need to shift your mindset and start looking at what is good all around you. Finish out Leo season by celebrating the fact that you still stand here— even if it feels as though you're only barely standing— you're still here and that is a blessing.I'm drawn to these lines from a poem by Lucille Clifton for this group. "come celebrate/ with me that everyday/ something has tried to kill me and failed." I send this poem particularly to my fellow queer folks and BIPOC. Look at all you're surviving and still you have some hope, even if only a grain.The myth of Ophiuchus is also one of a great healer who could revive the dead. Even when all hope is lost, you hold the fire within you to revive what needs some hope. Bring back the parts of you that have felt dead for too long but are still needed in this world.This month, lean on the people who support you. When you lack hope in yourself, look to them. They believe in you. And so do I.
April 21 - May 21
Seven of Wands Rx
Taurus, this month your being pushed to make a decision you've been stalling on. I'm getting the sense that this has to do with relationships in particular. Maybe you've been considering ending something, cutting someone off, or reaching out to someone. For others, the decision is related to a spiritual path. Either way, both groups face a similar situation. You're stuck in a moment of indecision and stalling. In order to flip the card, you need to channel that Leo energy and make a move. Either way, your life will go in a different direction.There is no right or wrong, only forward for this group. You know what you most need, and it's time to listen to yourself and choose based on that. Your doubt and anxiety is only going to linger. Eventually, if you make no decision, that will be its own choice. So take the matters into your own hands and choose. If it's time to end that relationship, make a plan of action so you feel more secure and do it. If you're worried about letting someone back into your life, think about how much you've changed and how much they've changed. If it's worth returning as new people, then you have an answer. For those dealing with a spiritual matter, use the energy post 8/8/2020 as fuel. Reach out to your guides. Ask them for a sign. Usually, when you ask for a sign, there's a hint within you about what you hope the sign will lead to. Grab onto that, and use it. If the hope for one outcome is there, again, you too know what you want to do.
May 22 - June 21
Five of Pentacles
This month is going to bring a time of repairing your self confidence. You will see yourself learn to be more trusting in your decisions. Gemini often faces the feeling of being pulled in different directions but this month, you'll gain a new sense of surety. Now, the important thing that this card warns about, is being careful not to let the confidence move into a territory of cockiness or being unwilling to accept help.Come the middle of the month, you will face a slump in your path that will leave you feeling confused, more than likely in regards to your home life. Given that we know from earlier that Venus has moved into Cancer, you might find conflicts arise. This could lead hardships that are contradicting the bright energy you kicked the month of with. This is where you will need to hold that confidence, but do not let it overwhelm you. Recognize when you've been wrong, but also know where your boundaries and limits lie. When these conflicts come up, face them with the skill of an air sign not being pulled too much by the cardinal water forces.Ultimately, there will be some help available to you if you're willing to take it. It might come in the form of spiritual guidance via dreams (especially as you move towards the new moon) so have a notepad ready to write down what comes to you in the morning.
June 22 - July 22
Eight of Swords Rx
Venus moving into Cancer is going to put you in touch with your feelings in a way that will bring about clarity. This month is all about wiping away the illusions that have held you bound. You're going to take responsibility for your own actions and the path you follow in your life. You're taking the first step towards holding yourself accountable which in turn will allow you to feel much more liberated.Part of what I love about being a Bruja is that it empowers me. It helps remind me that each day I have choices I can make. While things still happen around me, I can control how I react, I can control my perception. This is not to say that we should be about positivity at all times. But I can take events that happen to me and I can do something about it. When an injustice has occurred against me, I can act on it however I choose. I cannot stop how the world engages with me, but I can choose how I engage with the world. Do you get me? I do not have to stay powerless. Though the environment around me may put limitations in some of the ways in which I execute my power, I know that there is always SOMETHING I can do, and this month will remind you that you have the power to do something about what is happening to you.With this realization—with taking steps to clear away the illusions that bind you— you'll emerge at the end of the month with sense of empowerment that will lead perfectly into Virgo season.
July 23 - August 22
The Emperor
This month, Leo, you're being guided to step into your power. You have been sliding by on passion, feeling and energy, and while most people will be settling further into the emotional body, you're being asked to use your fire to step into a more logical and calculated role. You're being asked to rule over your dominion. This is a month where you will end your season with a sense of stability. Though this might not sound as "fun" given all that Leo season usually holds, it's actually a really good thing for you that WILL lead to a new type of fun and excitement.The Emperor will help usher in a newfound feeling of creativity. You're going to find that with structure, stability, and strong boundaries (both against yourself and others) you'll be more inclined to finally pursue a passion you've been thinking of following. It might be something small like picking up more books before bedtime, or something massive like a new painting project or book. Either way, embrace the energy of the emperor as your season comes to a close, and come the end of the month, you'll be filled with a new vitality.
August 23 - September 23
Six of Wands
As we close out Leo season, Virgos, you're going to find that you will finally get some recognition you've been after. I'm getting that it will be in the workspace for some, but for most of you, this will likely be a recognition that comes from those closest to you and from yourself. This will come after just one more final confrontation or conflict, however. It will be part of facing this conflict that helps get you the recognition that you have been seeking. I don't mean to worry you. This conflict will not be a big deal, and if you've faced a great deal of conflict in the last 30 days, I think you're good on that front. But for some, you'll have a small issue that will cause you to lift your head and know just how much you're worth.A gentle reminder, however, that the recognition should come as a well earned feat. Don't allow false recognition or a desire for attention drive you this month. Work in a way that makes you proud. Interact with others with compassion and kindness because it is who you are, sweet Virgo. From that, will come the recognition that you've sought. Not because you went after it.A side note thrown in: Before we enter your season, I suggest sitting down and finding ways to care for yourself. Step up your self-care routine especially around the new moon. Make a small list of self-care activities you can refer to when we enter your season. You'll be grateful when you need to pick from it later on in September.
September 24 - October 23
Queen of Pentacles
Libra, you've been putting in the work, not just in the physical realm but in the spiritual sense as well. The universe sees it and wants you to know. This month heralds a time of inner security. Things are going to flow more easily for you this month. And in the brief moments where they don't, look into your inner strength reserves to remain steady. You hold within you a mountain range that has the ability to hold you up even in moments where the winds whip around you.I'm also getting that this month will bring you much more nourishment. You will feel loved. You will feel held by the Earth. You will feel supported by your spirit team. More than that, your soul will feel more fulfilled and at peace than you've felt in months. Some of you will see a financial blessing come through after some time of feeling without. It's a good time to think about your crops, your fields, what you are growing and feeding every day. As you relish in the remainder of Leo season, celebrate all you've made, all you've fed, all you've created from dirt and water.
October 24 - November 22
King of Pentacles Rx
This month is going to be one with more dissatisfaction than previous months as its been steadily building up for a while. You're frustrated, confused, and unsure of where you're going. A lot of you feel sabotaged and hurt by choices made by those around you. You're feeling beat down and exhausted. These are entirely valid feelings even if we look at the general scope of things going on in the world. The only solace I can offer for you right now is to remember that great change comes with great pain. What you're feeling right now, you're totally allowed to feel. It's a shitty world sometimes. But you need to reach within you to find some steadfast energy—something to keep you fighting.Now is a good time to try to find some area in nature that you can go back to. I know it's hard for a lot of us disabled/chronically ill folks, or people living in big cities where people pretend things are back to "normal" but you can often find something small to go to. If you absolutely can't find a space outside of your home, now might be a time to focus on making your home more of a sanctuary. Get some succulents, some easy-to-keep alive plants, and allow them to lend their healing and grounding energy. I'm not, by any means, foretelling that anything difficult is going to happen to you. I don't see that. I just see a weakness in the heart and the soul. You're hurt and rightly so. For that reason, I especially suggest this group do a SHIT TON of cleansing, grounding, and protection. Cut old chords that need to be cut. Find some physical ways to distract yourself form the emotional pain. Find a new podcast in a topic that makes your heart flutter, binge on a Netflix series that brings you joy, stock up on comfort food and feed your soul and not just your body.This month is going to be about tending to a wound that's been growing. Sometimes that's all we can do.
November 23 - December 21
Nine of Swords
I fucking hate this card. Sorry, but having an authentic moment here. Truth is, I only hate it because I pulled this card for myself for so many months shortly after I moved to Las Vegas when I was in the midst of having just graduated grad school, having left the only state I knew and loved, and leaving the closest friendships I had ever developed. More than that, I was in the midst of changing careers and trying to find new jobs fast. This dive into my personal life is only to tell you that this card is often a call back to your own power.Sagittarius, perhaps like me in those months, you have gone through some major heartaches and major changes. Maybe you're in the midst of a nightmare that spans beyond the pandemic. And that's totally real and valid, but maybe like me, you too are making the situation a bit worse. Maybe you're clinging to tightly to what was, or maybe clinging too tightly to questions and uncertainty. Sometimes, all we can do is accept that we can do nothing. Sometimes all we can do is act in the ways that are within our control, and let go of the rest.Take some time, this month, loves, to find a way to let go of the worry that is plaguing your mind. I find that brain dumps are especially helpful when this card comes up. Take a notepad out with some chamomile and lavender tea an hour before bed, and just write down your stresses. Get them out of your head so your mind can rest when you go to sleep. You might want to consider getting some herbal help for this time period as well in the form of teas, tinctures, or herbal smoke blends.
December 22 - January 20
Princess of Cups Rx
I love all of the princess cards in this deck. I think they're full of so much Goddess energy. When reversed however, sometimes this energy can be a bit chaotic and overwhelming. This month, Cappy, you're being called to balance out your energy and ground your visions. You need to slow down a bit. Don't let your cup spill over because you're moving around too rapidly. Some of you might need to focus on healing your inner child this month as that energy might be crying out to be heard in the form of a bit of recklessness.Overall, however, I get the sense that this group has had such an influx of psychic and creative energy that it's leading to a jumping around without settling on one thing, and might lead to creative blockages for a few of you. If this feels like you, you need to balance out that overflowing water energy ESPECIALLY now that Venus is in Cancer. Find a way to let your logic and the mundane world seep into your fantasy and bouncy energy.When you ground these parts of yourself you're able to fully remember that you are a multifaceted being living in the here and now. Yes, we're spiritual and powerful, but we're also fucking human and trying to pretend otherwise is only going to lead to more difficult lessons down the world.
January 21 - February 19
Queen of Cups
This is a month of great healing for you Aquarius, but the kind of healing that is gentle and restorative. The full moon sparked a change in you that will follow through the whole month. Venus in Cancer is going to be a blessing to you as you find that you're able to communicate your emotions more easily and in a way that brings healing. Some people around you might have difficulties accepting this version of you, especially when they become reactive and you find you're able to stay calm, cool, AND in your feelings. But it will actually lead to better relationships. You'll inspire others to look at the ways they communicate.This is a time to honor the Goddess in you. I'd suggest building an alter for a deity of your choice who holds hella Queen of Cups energy. She'll help guide you through a major spiritual transformation this month. By the end of it, you'll feel as though you went through years of change smoothly.One added note however, with these big changes, spiritual evolution, and healing, you may find you physically lack energy. Try to honor your bodies needs as best as your able to. Eat nourishing meals. Check in on your sleep hygiene. And give your body what it needs.
February 20 - March 20
(Princess of Pentacles Rx)
This month you're likely to be feeling overwhelmed particularly with work demands or home life. I'm getting that many of you are taking on way too much which is sadly, very common right now. What this card is guiding you to focus on this month, however, is figuring out where you can drop some tasks and responsibilities.If housework has got you feeling incredibly overwhelmed, what are some things you can forgo? Though routine isn't Pisces' favorite aspect of a day, it might be necessary to establish a flexible routine that allows you to not let things pile up, while still letting you have the option for spontaneity. This card is asking you to add a bit more fun into your day to day. Find small joys that you can continue to incorporate throughout the month.This is also a reminder to ask for help when you can. I know it's a privilege that isn't always afforded to everyone, but if there is a way for you to ask for help, this is your sign to do it. Even if you're afraid of putting too much on someone else, give them the option to decide what they can do to help you. If that means starting a gofundme for those who are struggling financially, do that. If you're a single parent and you know other single parents, see if there's a way you can work together to help one another while still being safe. Sadly US culture has made us think that parenting is this role we take on solo or with only one other partner, when so many other cultures raise children in groups. If you're handling a lot of the home leg work because you're partner is working more hours, but you're still feeling like it's too much, ask them how they can help. Work together to find a solution. I promise you, there is some help available to you this month. Use that creative pisces energy to find ways to give yourself the help and joy you need this month.
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